
Czech Republic 1993 Constitution (reviewed 2013)

Table of Contents

Appendix A. Constitutional Act No. 347/1997 Sb. of December 1997 on the Creation of Higher Territorial Self-Governing Units and on Amendments to Constitutional Act of the Czech National Council, No. 1/1993 Sb., the Constitution of the Czech Republic

Parliament has enacted this Constitutional Act of the Czech Republic:

Part 1

Article 1

The following higher territorial self-governing units shall be created in the Czech Republic:

[Translator’s note: the names, capitols, and territorial delimitation of the 14 higher territorial self-governing units have been omitted from this translation.]

Article 2

The borders of the higher territorial self-governing units may be changed only by statute.

Article 3

  1. The territory of the capitol city of Prague is understood to mean its territory as defined on the day this Constitutional Act comes into effect.
  2. The territories of districts is understood to mean their territories as defined on the day this Constitutional Act comes into effect.

Part 2

Article 4

The Constitutional Act of the Czech National Council, No. 1/1993 Sb., the Constitution of the Czech Republic, is amended as follows:

  1. ARTICLE 99 shall read: “Article 99. The Czech Republic is subdivided into municipalities, which are the basic territorial self-governing units, and into regions, which are the higher territorial self-governing units.”
  2. ARTICLE 103 is repealed.

Part 3

Article 5

This Constitutional Act comes into effect on 1 January 2000.

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