
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1972 Constitution (reviewed 2016)

Table of Contents


Article 39

Socialist culture, which is flourishing and developing in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, contributes to improving the creative ability of the working people and to meeting their sound cultural and aesthetic demands.

Article 40

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall, by carrying out a thorough cultural revolution, train all the people to be builders of socialism equipped with a profound knowledge of nature and society and a high level of culture and technology, thus making the whole of society intellectual.

Article 41

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall develop a truly people-oriented, revolutionary culture which serves the socialist working people. In building a socialist national culture, the State shall oppose the cultural infiltration of imperialism and any tendency to return to the past, protect its national cultural heritage, and develop it in keeping with the existing socialist situation.

Article 42

The State shall eliminate the way of life inherited from the outmoded society and establish a new socialist way of life in every sphere.

Article 43

The State shall embody the principles of socialist pedagogy so as to raise the rising generation to be steadfast revolutionaries who will fight for society and the people, to be people of the new, Juche type who are knowledgeable, morally sound and physically healthy.

Article 44

The State shall give precedence to public education and the training of cadres for the nation and closely combine general education with technological education, and education with productive labour.

Article 45

The State shall develop universal compulsory twelve-year education which includes compulsory one-year preschool education at a high level in accordance with the trend of modern science and technology and the practical requirements of socialist construction.

Article 46

The State shall train competent technicians and experts by enhancing the regular educational system as well as different forms of studying while working, and by improving the scientific and theoretical levels of technological education and education in the social and basic sciences.

Article 47

The State shall provide education to all pupils and students free of charge and grant allowances to students at universities and colleges.

Article 48

The State shall strengthen social education and provide the working people with all conditions for study.

Article 49

The State shall maintain all children of preschool age in creches and kindergartens at State and public expense.

Article 50

The State shall establish Juche in scientific research, introduce advanced science and technology in every possible way, open up new areas of science and technology and raise the country’s science and technology to the world level.

Article 51

The State shall elaborate a correct plan to develop science and technology, set up a strict discipline to implement it, and strengthen creative cooperation among scientists, technicians and producers.

Article 52

The State shall develop Juche-oriented, revolutionary art and literature, national in form and socialist in content. The State shall encourage creative workers and artists to produce works of high ideological and artistic value and enlist the broad sections of the masses in literary and artistic activities.

Article 53

The State shall provide sufficient modern cultural facilities to meet the demands of the people who want to continually improve themselves, both mentally and physically, so that the working people enjoy a full socialist cultured, aesthetic life.

Article 54

The State shall safeguard our language from all attempts to obliterate it and shall develop it to meet present-day needs.

Article 55

The State shall thoroughly prepare all the people for work and national defence by popularizing physical culture and sport and making it their daily regime, and augment sporting skills to meet our country’s reality and the trend in modern sporting skills.

Article 56

The State shall protect the people’s lives and improve the working people’s health by consolidating and developing the system of universal free medical service and improving the district doctor system and the system of preventive medicine.

Article 57

The State shall adopt measures to protect the environment, giving it preference over production, preserve and promote the natural environment and prevent environmental pollution so as to provide the people with a hygienic living environment and working conditions.