
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 213

The President of the Republic negotiates and the ratifies international treaties and agreements.

The Government concludes the international agreements not submitted to ratification after deliberation in the Council of Ministers. It so informs the National Assembly and the Senate.

Article 214

The peace treaties, the treaties of commerce, the treaties and agreements of concern to the international organizations and to the regulation of international conflicts, those which engage the public finances, those which modify the legislative provisions, those which concern the status of persons, [and] those which involve the exchange and addition of territory, may only be ratified or approved by virtue of a law.

No cession, no exchange [or] no addition of territory is valid without the agreement of the Congolese People consulted by way of referendum.

Article 215

The international treaties and agreements, regularly concluded, have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve for each treaty and agreement, of its the application by the other party.

Article 216

If the Constitutional Court consulted by the President of the Republic, by the Prime Minister, the President of the National Assembly or the President of the Senate, by a tenth of the Deputies or a tenth of the Senators, declares that an international treaty or agreement includes a clause contrary to the Constitution, the ratification or approval may only intervene after the revision of the Constitution.

Article 217

The Democratic Republic of the Congo may conclude treaties or agreements of association or of community which involve a partial relinquishment of sovereignty with a view to promote African unity.