
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 221

Provided that they are not contrary to this Constitution, the legislative and regulatory texts in force continue to maintain it until their abrogation or their modification.

Article 222

The political institutions of the transition remain in function until the effective installation of the corresponding institutions provided for by this Constitution, and exercise their attributions in accordance with the Constitution of the Transition.

The institutions in support of democracy are dissolved of plain right on the installation of the new Parliament.

However, by organic law, the Parliament may, if necessary, institute other institutions in support of democracy.

Article 223

Until the installation of the Constitutional Court, of the Council of State and of the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Court of Justice exercises the attributions devolved to them by this Constitution.

Article 224

Until the installation of the jurisdictions of the administrative order, the Courts of Appeal exercise the competences devolved to the Administrative Courts of Appeal.

Article 225

The Court of Security of the State [Cour de Sureté de l’Etat] is dissolved on the entry into force of this Constitution.

Article 226

[Amended by Law No. 11/002 of 20 January 2011.]

A program-law establishes the modalities of installation of the new Provinces cited in Article 2 of this Constitution. Until [that time], the Democratic Republic of Congo is composed of the city of

Kinshasa and of the following ten Provinces [which are] endowed with juridical personality: Bandundu, Bas-Congo, Equateur, Kasai-Occidental, Kasai-Oriental, Katanga, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, Province Orientale, Sud-Kivu.

Article 227

The Provinces which are enumerated by Article 2 of this Constitution constitute the electoral circumscriptions of the Senators of the first legislature. The electoral law determines the conditions of attribution for an additional quota to the city of Kinshasa for the election of the Senators.

Article 228

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 222, paragraph 1, the Transitional Constitution of the Transition of 4 April 2003 is abrogated.

Article 229

This Constitution, adopted by referendum, enters into force on its promulgation by the President of the Republic.

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