
Denmark 1953 Constitution

Part I

  1. This Constitution Act shall apply to all parts of the Kingdom of Denmark.
  2. The form of government shall be that of a constitutional monarchy. The Royal Power shall be inherited by men and women in accordance with the provisions of the Succession to the Throne Act, 27th March, 1953.
  3. The legislative power shall be vested in the King and the Folketing conjointly. The executive power shall be vested in the King. The judicial power shall be vested in the courts of justice.
  4. The Evangelical Lutheran Church shall be the Established Church of Denmark, and) as such, it shall be supported by the State.

Part II

    1. The King shall not reign in other countries except with the consent of the Folketing.
    2. The King shall be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
    3. The King shall be of age when he has completed’ his eighteenth year. The same provision shall apply to the Successor to the Throne.
    4. The King, prior to his accession to the Throne, shall make a solemn Declaration in writing before the Council of State that he will faithfully adhere to the Constitution Act. Two identical originals of the Declaration shall be executed, one of which shall be handed over to the Folketing to be preserved in its archives, and the other shall be filed in the Public Record Office. Where the King, owing to his absence or for other reasons, is unable to sign the aforesaid Declaration immediately on his accession to the Throne, the government shall, unless otherwise provided by Statute, be conducted by the Council of State until such Declaration has been signed. Where the King already as Successor to the Throne has signed the aforesaid Declaration, he shall accede to the Throne immediately on its vacancy.
    5. Provisions relating to the exercising of sovereign power in the event of the minority, illness, or absence of the King shall be laid down by Statute. Where on the vacancy of the Throne there is no Successor to the Throne, the Folketing shall elect a King and establish the future order of succession to the Throne.


    1. The Civil List of the King shall be granted for the duration of his reign by Statute. Such Statute shall also provide for the castles, palaces, and other State property which shall be placed at the disposal of the King for his use.
    2. The Civil List shall not be chargeable with any debt.
  1. Members of the Royal House may be granted annuities by Statute. Such annuities shall not be enjoyed outside the Realm except with the consent of the Folketing.
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