
Difference Between Afang Soup and Atama Soup

Afang Soup and Atama Soup

Afang soup and Atama soup are popular Nigerian soups that are often enjoyed with a variety of swallow staples such as Eba, Fufu, and Amala. This article will discuss the difference between these two soups.

What is Afang Soup?

Afang soup is a famous Nigerian soup from the Efik people of Cross River State in Southern Nigeria. It is a nutritious soup made with a combination of Afang leaves, also known as wild spinach, and water leaves, cooked with assorted meat, fish, and spices to create a flavorful and satisfying dish. The leaves used in preparing Afang soup are rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy meal option. The soup is also high in protein due to its use of meat and fish. In addition to Afang leaves and water leaves, other ingredients used in preparing Afang soup may include palm oil, crayfish, periwinkle, onions, pepper, and seasonings such as salt and stock cubes. The soup is typically thick and slightly slimy due to the water leaves used in its preparation. Afang soup is often served with various Nigerian swallow staples such as Eba, Fufu, and Amala. It is a delicious and satisfying dish many Nigerians enjoy and is also popular in other West African countries.

What is Atama Soup?

Atama soup is a traditional Nigerian soup from the Ibibio people of Akwa Ibom State in Southern Nigeria. It is a nutritious soup made with Atama leaves, also known as bush apples, which are indigenous to the region and have a distinctive earthy flavour. The soup is typically prepared with beef, goat meat, fish, crayfish, and other ingredients such as onions, pepper, and stock cubes. The Atama leaves are usually blended into a paste and then added to the soup, giving it a smooth and velvety texture. Atama soup is often served with Nigerian swallow staples such as Eba, Fufu, and Amala. It is a delicious and satisfying dish enjoyed by many Nigerians, particularly those from the Akwa Ibom region. The soup is also famous in other West African countries, where it may be prepared with slightly different variations in ingredients and cooking methods.

Difference Between Afang and Atama Soup

While they share some similarities, there are also some distinct differences.


Afang soup combines Afang (Wild Spinach) leaves and water leaves, while Atama soup is made with Atama (Bush Apples) leaves.


Afang soup has a distinct leafy taste that is slightly bitter, while Atama soup has a more earthy, somewhat sweet flavour.


Afang soup is typically thicker than Atama soup and has a slightly slimy texture due to the water leaves used in its preparation. Atama soup, however, has a smooth and velvety texture.


Afang soup is a delicacy from the Efik people of Cross River State in Southern Nigeria, while Atama soup is a traditional soup from the Ibibio people of Akwa Ibom State, also in Southern Nigeria.


The soups are made differently. Atama soup has beef, goat, fish, crayfish, and periwinkle. Afang soup usually contains meat, fish, crayfish, periwinkle, and palm oil.

Afang soup and Atama soup are delicious Nigerian soups that many enjoy.