The primary difference between male and female urine indicates that male urine may possess testosterone metabolites, whereas female urine possesses progesterone and estrogen metabolites. The kidney is the organ that creates urine. And the urine consists of the byproducts of cellular metabolism, which includes the nitrogen feces. Also, there are two kidneys in the human body. The urine creation instigates at the glomerular via blood filtration. The human body soaks in the essential components and discharges the feces. Eventually, the urinary bladder provisionally saves the urines created by the kidneys until urination and then releases it via the urethra. The urine creation procedure does not vary whether the individual is a male or female. However, male and female urine differs in their arrangement. However, some small quantities of various hormones are available in every urine kind, which adds to the distinctions between male and female urine.
What is Male Urine?
The male urine may consist of sperms if the individual possesses retrograde ejaculation. Concerning the male, the genital lot and the urethra allocate a general pathway. Hence, the sperm may be available in a urine specimen acquired after sexual activity. Also, the male sex hormones are as well available in male urine. Therefore, it stimulates the distinction with the female urine.
What is Female Urine?
The urethra, which has to do with outlet from the bladder, is varied in the male from the female. Females possess a shorter urethra. However, they obtain more propensity to formulate urinary tract infections. When the female urine is examined during menstruation, it may consist of smaller quantities of red blood cells combined. It is only contamination of female urine at the time of her period. The common arrangement of female urine does not involve red blood cells. Also, as the female urethra and the vagina are very near at the outset, pH and the number of epithelial cells available in the female urine may be varied from male urine. Another unique characteristic of female urine indicates that female urine consists of human chronic gonadotropin hormone at the time of pregnancy. The placenta discharges the HCG. However, the availability of this hormone in the female urine encourages the home pregnancy examination to determine the pregnancy at home. Also, female urine can be examined to see signs of menopause in females.
Difference Between Male Urine and Female Urine
The distinction between male and female urine is not substantial. Hence, they vary very little with the arrangement as the kinds of sex hormones are diverse among the genders. Therefore, hormonal items, including the metabolites of the hormones, differ from male and female urine. When it has to do with female urine, small quantities of female sex hormones are available, whereas, in male urine, sperms and a small amount of male sex hormones are available. Hence, this is the primary difference between male and female urine that permits the chemist to distinguish male and female urine. In a common pattern, the difference between male and female urine includes;
- Male urine is described as the liquid byproduct of metabolic procedures of males created by the kidneys. On the other hand, female urine is the liquid byproduct of female metabolic processes produced by the kidneys.
- Male urine possesses a reduced opportunity of contamination with microorganisms. Due to the systemic distinctions, female urine may be contaminated with microorganisms and pus cells.
- As a result of increased muscle mass in the male body, the status of creatinine available in the urine may be elevated in males, while it differs in female urine.
- HcG hormone is not available in male urine but is available during pregnancy in female urine.