The significant difference between typhoid and viral fever is that typhoid fever is a kind of fever that is triggered by a bacterium which is referred to as salmonella typhi, whereas viral fever is a kind of fever that is triggered by viruses such as influenza. Fever can also be described as pyrexia. It is a typical response to a lot of conditions. Fever is described as the febrile reaction of retaining a temperature higher than the normal range of 37 degrees Celsius. Fever can be triggered by viral infections, sunburn, inflammation, heat exhaustion, bacterial infections, fungal infections, tumour, food poisoning, and intense health disorders, which may include liver ailment, asthma, kidney ailment, diabetes, consumption of specific drugs for a longer time, rheumatoid arthritis. Typhoid and viral fever are two varied kinds of fevers.
What is Typhoid Fever?
Typhoid fever is a kind of fever triggered by a bacterium known as Salmonella typhi. Salmonella typhi is a bacterium connected to salmonella food poisoning. Typhoid fever is increasingly infectious. An infected individual can transfer this bacterium from their body into their urine or stool. If another individual takes in food or drinks water polluted by infected urine or stool, they may as well become infected with typhoid fever. The indications of typhoid fever have to do with a persistently increased temperature that worsens everyday, common body aches and pains, headache, severe fatigue, rashes, constipation, diarrhoea, and cough. The diagnosis of typhoid fever can be carried out by analyzing blood and stool under a microscope. A bone marrow specimen can also be analyzed using the microscope. The treatment choices for typhoid fever has to do with antibiotics, drugs, rest, vaccinations, modification of lifestyle such as intake of frequent meals, keeping good norm of personal hygiene, which may have to do with the washing of hand often with soap and clean water, and staying away from school or work, drinking of enough water.
What is Viral Fever?
Viral fever is a kind of fever triggered by viruses which may include influenza. There are various methods that individuals can get infected with a virus. These may have to do with the consummation of food polluted with a virus, inhalation of droplets contaminated with the virus, swapping of body fluids with an individual with the virus, and insect bite that carries a virus. The indication of viral fever has to do with dehydration, chills, sweating, muscle aches and pains, headaches, loss of appetite, and a feeling of weakness or tiredness. Diagnosing viral fever can be done through physical indication, blood sample examination such as white blood cells, medical history, and throat swabs to test under a microscope. Also, treatment choices for viral fever have to do with the intake of over-the-counter fever relievers, which may include ibuprofen or acetaminophen, intake of enough fluid to stay hydrated, resting, intake of antiviral drugs, and sitting in a lukewarm bath to calm the temperature.
Difference Between Typhoid and Viral Fever
Typhoid fever is triggered by a bacterium known as Salmonella typhi, whereas viral fever is triggered by a virus described as influenza. This is the significant difference between typhoid and viral fever. Also, typhoid fever takes 3 to 7 days to go down, while viral fever takes 2 to 3 days to settle.