
Difference Between Verbal Communication and Nonverbal Communication

There are many differences between the two methods of communication, which have to do with verbal and nonverbal communication. In some locations, nonverbal communication beliefs are more important than verbal communication, and in other locations, it is the other way around.

There are many differences between the two methods of communication, which have to do with verbal and nonverbal communication. In some locations, nonverbal communication beliefs are more important than verbal communication, and in other locations, it is the other way around. Let us start our knowledge of these two kinds of communication using the following techniques. Man is described as a jovial animal and can not exist alone. He exists in a community and communicates with others that are of fundamental importance to him. Language operates an important role in every dealing of a man in the structure of verbal communication, as well another structure of communication is similarly essential in a man’s dealings with others. This is described as nonverbal communication which is about acquiring signals from facial indications, gestures, and eye actions of an individual. Using this article, we will try to point out the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication while obtaining knowledge of both notions.

What is Verbal Communication?

Verbal communication can be described as the transmission or exchange of beliefs that takes place through phrases. This can either be written or verbal. Verbal communication permits the person to exchange beliefs, notions, recommendations, and values and produces an environment where a person can associate with another. When an individual goes into a dialogue with a friend, this is described as oral communication since it permits them to use words to interact with the other individual. The importance of verbal communication shows that it produces a situation where transferring information become very obvious. Let us use the illustration of an industrial environment where communication is oral, but a lot of time this communication is written. Using letters, different reports, manuscripts, and memos, the employees communicate with one another. This is not often oral communication in some situations, rather it is written communication. Since words are utilized for the exchange of beliefs, it is regarded as verbal communication.

What is Nonverbal Communication?

Nonverbal communication has to do with facial indications, gestures, and as well with stances. Individuals communicate so much using nonverbal patterns. Have you ever noticed two persons not understanding each other’s language, interacting with each other? Although, they sense a lot of problems, they still manage to inform each other what they desire to disseminate the message with the assistance of facial indications, direction of the hands, and eye contact. Why did we go so deep as to illustrate individuals understanding each other’s language? A mother interacts with her infant baby using her actions, and the baby memorizes to know her desires in a short time. A baby understands no language, even at that, a mother understands all about her baby with the assistance of the body motions of the child and the pattern in which the baby cries or emits sounds. All these are patterns of nonverbal communication. Also at the place of work, schools, or while walking on the street, nonverbal communication occurs. When it has to do with the place of work, nonverbal communication may occur between team partners and the administrator. Using an illustration, a lower staff memorizes to know the temper of his superior with the aid of his smirks or facial indication. Using an illustration at school, a stare from the tutor is usually more influential than her screaming or scolding. This points out that in real life, nonverbal communication acquires priority over verbal communication since the first impression that gets produced is via a person’s assurance and body language which is a kind of nonverbal communication.

Difference Between Verbal Communication and Nonverbal Communication

  • Language is an important element of communication since it enables verbal communication using phrases. It enables us in transmitting our notions, beliefs, opinions, and as well as our frustrations and aspirations.
  • Although, our facial indications, body language, eye motions, and gestures make up an essential area of communication described as nonverbal communication.
  • Nonverbal communication is very useful in empathic listening.
  • Verbal communication and nonverbal communication function as the same intention although there are some conditions in which nonverbal communication benefits ascendancy more than verbal communication.