
Djibouti 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2010)

Table of Contents


Article 93

This Constitution will be submitted to referendum. It will be registered and published, in French and in Arabic, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Djibouti, the text in French will prevail.

Article 94

The present Constitution will enter into force and will be executed as the Constitution of the Republic within the thirty days of its approval by referendum.

The establishment of the institutions provided for in this Constitution shall begin at the latest two months after its approval, and shall be completed eight months after that.

Article 95

The provisions necessary for application of this Constitution shall be the object of laws voted by the National Assembly.

Article 96

The legislation in force remains applicable to the extent that it is not contrary to this Constitution or where it is not the object of a specific abrogation.

Article 97

The authorities established in the Republic of Djibouti shall continue to exercise their functions and the current institutions are maintained until the establishment of the new authorities and institutions.

The Senate shall be instituted when all the conditions necessary for its creation are met.

The provisions for, the organization and the functioning of the Senate shall be established by an organic law.

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