
Dominican Republic 2015 Constitution

Table of Contents

Title XIV. On Constitutional Reforms

Chapter I. On the General Norms

Article 267. Constitutional Reform

The reform of the Constitution may only be made in the form that it itself indicates, and may never be suspended nor annulled for any reason or by any authority nor by popular acclamations.

Article 268. Form of government

No modification to the Constitution may deal with the form of government which must always be civil, republican, democratic, and representative.

Article 269. Constitutional Reform Initiative

This Constitution may be reformed if the reform proposition is presented in the National Congress with the support of one third of the members of one or the other chamber, or if it is submitted by the Executive Power.

Chapter II. On the National Revisory Assembly

Article 270. Convocation of the National Revisory Assembly

The necessity of constitutional reform shall be declared by a law of convocation. This law, to which the Executive Power may not make observations, shall order the meeting of the National Revisory Assembly, shall contain the object of the reform and shall indicate the article or articles of the Constitution about which they shall deal.

Article 271. Quorum of the National Revisory Assembly

In order to decide on the proposed reform, the National Revisory Assembly shall meet within the fifteen days following the publication of the law that declares the necessity of the reform, with the presence of more than half of the members of each one of its chambers. Its decisions shall be made by the majority of two thirds of the votes. Constitutional reform may not be made in the case of the effect of one of the states of exception given in Article 262. Once the reform is voted on and proclaimed by the National Revisory Assembly, the Constitution shall be published in full with the reformed texts.

Article 272. Approval referendum

When the reform deals with rights, fundamental guarantees and duties, the territorial and municipal ordering, the regime of nationality, citizenship, and foreigners, the regime of coin, and over the procedures of reform instituted in this Constitution, it shall require the ratification of the majority of the male and female citizens with electoral rights, in an approval referendum convoked for that effect by the Central Electoral Board, once voted and approved by the National Revisory Assembly.

Paragraph I

The Central Electoral Board shall submit the reforms for referendum within the sixty days following its formal reception.

Paragraph II

The approval of the reforms to the Constitution by way of referendum requires more than half of the votes of those who may vote and that the number of those exceeds thirty percent of the total of male and female citizens that form the Electoral Register, adding the voters that express themselves with “YES” or with “NO.”

Paragraph III

If the result of the referendum is affirmative, the reform shall be proclaimed and published in full with the reformed texts by the National Revisory Assembly.