
Eritrea 1997 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 55. Auditor General

  1. There shall be an Auditor General who audits the revenues and expenditures and other financial operations of government and who reports annually his findings to the National Assembly.
  2. The Auditor General shall be appointed for five years by the President with the approval of the National Assembly and shall be accountable to the National Assembly.
  3. The detailed organization, powers and duties of the Auditor General shall be determined by law.

Article 56. National Bank

  1. There shall be a National Bank, which performs the functions of a central bank, controls the financial institutions and manages the national currency.
  2. The National Bank shall have a Governor appointed by the President with the approval of the National Assembly. There shall be a Board of Directors whose members shall be appointed by the President.
  3. The detailed organization, powers and duties of the National Bank shall be determined by law.

Article 57. Civil Service Administration

  1. There shall be established a Civil Service Administration, which shall be responsible for the recruitment, selection and separation of civil servants as well as for determining the terms and conditions of their employment, including the rights and duties and the code of conduct of such civil servants.
  2. The detailed organization, powers, and duties of the Civil Service Administration shall be determined by law.

Article 58. Electoral Commission

  1. There shall be established an Electoral Commission, operating independently, without interference, which shall, on the basis of the electoral law, ensure that free and fair elections are held and administer their implementation; decide on issues raised in the course of the electoral process; and formulate and implement civic educational programs relating to elections and other democratic procedures.
  2. An Electoral Commissioner shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the National Assembly.
  3. The detailed organization, powers and duties of the Electoral Commission shall be determined by law.

Article 59. Amendment of the Constitution

  1. A proposal for the amendment of any provision of this Constitution may be initiated and tabled by the President or 50 percent of all the members of the National Assembly.
  2. Any provision of this Constitution may be amended as follows:
    1. where the National Assembly by a three-quarters majority vote of all its members proposes the amendment with reference to a specific Article of the Constitution tabled to be amended; and
    2. where, one year after it has proposed such an amendment, the National Assembly, after deliberation, approves again the same amendment by four-fifths majority vote of all its members.