Article 134
The territorial organization of the Republic is constituted by the Territorial Circumscriptions and the Local Collectivities.
The Territorial Circumscriptions are the Prefectures and the Sub-Prefectures.
The Local Collectivities are the Regions, the Urban Communes [Communes] and the Rural Communes.
Article 135
The creation of the Territorial Circumscriptions, their reorganization and their functioning arise within the regulatory domain.
The creation of the Local Collectivities and their reorganization arise within the domain of the law.
Article 136
The Territorial Circumscriptions are administered by a representative of the State assisted by a deliberating organ.
The Local Collectivities administer themselves freely through elected Councils, under the control of a delegate of the State who has the responsibility [charge] for the national interests and of the respect for the laws.
Article 137
The law organizes decentralization through the transfer of competences, of resources and of means to the Local Collectivities.