
Guinea 2010 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 1

Guinea is a unitary republic, indivisible, secular, democratic and social.

It assures the equality before the law of all the citizens without distinction of origin, of race, of ethnicity, of gender [sexe], of religion and of opinion.

It respects all beliefs.

The official language is French.

The State assures the promotion of the cultures and of the languages of the People of Guinea.

The flag is composed of three vertical and equal bands of color RED, YELLOW and GREEN.

The national anthem is “LIBERTE [Freedom]”

The motto of the Republic is: “TRAVAIL, JUSTICE, SOLIDARITE [Work, Justice, Solidarity]”.

Its principle is: GOUVERNEMENT DU PEUPLE, PAR LE PEUPLE ET POUR LE PEUPLE [Government of the People, by the People and for the People].

The Seals and the Arms of the Republic are codified by [the] regulatory way [voie].

Article 2

The national sovereignty belongs to the People who exercise it by their elected representatives or by way of referendum.

No individual, no fraction of the People may arrogate its exercise.

Suffrage is universal, direct, equal and secret.

All Guinean citizens of majority, of one or the other gender, enjoying their civil and political rights are electors within the conditions determined by the law.

The elections are organized and supervised by an Independent National Electoral Commission.

Sovereignty is exercised in accordance with this Constitution which is the supreme Law of the State.

Any law, any regulatory text and administrative act contrary to its provisions are null and of null effect.

The principle of the separation and of the equilibrium of the Powers is consecrated

Article 3

The political parties participate [concourent] in the political education of the citizens, in the animation of the political life and in the expression of the suffrage. Only [seuls] they present the candidates to the national elections.

They must be implanted on the whole [ensemble] of the national territory. They must not identify themselves to a race, an ethnicity, a religion or a region.

They must equally respect the principles of the national sovereignty and of democracy, the integrity of the territory and the public order.

The rights of the political parties of the opposition to oppose themselves by the legal ways [voies] to the action of the Government and to propose alternative solutions are guaranteed.

An organic law determines the conditions in which the political parties are constituted and exercise their activities. It specifies the conditions in which a party that ignores [méconnaît] the provisions of the preceding paragraphs is no longer considered as legally constituted.

Article 4

The law punishes whoever [quiconque] by an act of racial, ethnic, [or] religious discrimination, by an act of regionalist propaganda, or by any other act, infringes the national unity, the security of the State, the integrity of the territory of the Republic or the democratic functioning of the institutions.