
Iceland 2011 Draft Constitution

Table of Contents

Chapter IV. The President of Iceland

Article 76. Title of office and national election

The President of Iceland is the Head of State of the Republic. The President is nationally elected.

Article 77. Eligibility

Any citizen who meets the conditions for eligibility in elections to the Althing and has reached the age of 35 is eligible as president.

Article 78. Presidential election

The President is elected by a secret ballot in a poll of all persons who have the right to vote in elections to the Althing. Presidential candidates shall have the endorsement of a minimum of one per cent and a maximum of two per cent of the electorate. Voters shall rank candidates, one or more, at their own choice in order of preference. The person who best meets the order of preference of voters, as further provided by law, is the rightfully elected President. If there is only one candidate, that candidate is duly elected without a poll being taken. In other respects, the candidacy and election of the President shall be decided by law.

Article 79. Electoral term

The President’s term of office begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July four years later. The presidential election shall be held in June or July of the year in which a term of office ends. The President shall not serve for more than three electoral terms.

Article 80. Oath

The President of Iceland shall sign and oath to the Constitution when he takes office.

Article 81. Terms of employment

The President is not permitted to undertake any other paid employment while in office. The same applies to work in the interest of private undertakings and public agencies, even if unpaid. Payments to the President out of State funds shall be decided by law. Such payments to the President may not be reduced during his term of office.

Article 82. Deputy

In the event that the President is temporarily unable to perform his duties for reasons of health or for other reasons the Speaker of the Althing shall temporarily assume the powers of the presidency.

Article 83. Decease

Should the President decease or resign his post before the end of the electoral term a new President shall be elected until 31 July of the fourth year from the election.

Article 84. Liability

The President may not be prosecuted on a criminal charge except with the consent of the Althing.

The President may be released from office before the end of an electoral term with the support of a majority of votes in a referendum called by the Althing, provided that the referendum is supported by three quarters of the Members of the Althing. The referendum shall take place within two months from the time that the call for the referendum was approved by the Althing, and the President shall not serve in his office from the time that the Althing adopts its resolution until the results of the referendum are known.

Article 85. Pardons and amnesty

The President of Iceland has the power to pardon and grant general amnesty at the proposal of a Cabinet Minister. However, the President cannot pardon a Cabinet Minister convicted by the courts of law on the grounds of ministerial accountability except with the consent of the Althing.

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