Constitution Indonesia 1945 Constitution (reinstated 1959, reviewed 2002) The Daily Hive1 min read Page 13 of 23 Prev Next Table of Contents Toggle Chapter I. Form of the State and SovereigntyArticle 1Chapter II. The People’s Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or MPR)Article 2Article 3Chapter III. The Executive PowerArticle 4Article 5Article 6Article 6AArticle 7Article 7AArticle 7BArticle 7CArticle 8Article 9Article 10Article 11Article 12Article 13Article 14Article 15Article 16Chapter V. Ministers of StateArticle 17Chapter VI. Regional AuthoritiesArticle 18Article 18AArticle 18BChapter VII. The People’s Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or DPR)Article 19Article 20Article 20AArticle 21Article 22Article 22AArticle 22BChapter VIIA. The Council of Representatives of the Regions (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah or DPD)Article 22CArticle 22DChapter VIIB. General ElectionsArticle 22EChapter VIII. FinancesArticle 23Article 23AArticle 23BArticle 23CArticle 23DChapter VIIIA. Supreme Audit Board (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan or BPK)Article 23EArticle 23FArticle 23GArticle 24Article 24AArticle 24BArticle 24CArticle 25Chapter IXA. State TerritoryArticle 25AChapter X. Citizens and ResidentsArticle 26Article 27Chapter XA. Human RightsArticle 28Article 28AArticle 28BArticle 28CArticle 28DArticle 28EArticle 28FArticle 28GArticle 28HArticle 28IArticle 28JChapter XI. ReligionArticle 29Chapter XII. State Defence and SecurityArticle 30Chapter XIII. EducationArticle 31Article 32Chapter XIV. The National Economy and Social WelfareArticle 33Article 34Chapter XV. National Flag, Language, Coat of Arms and AnthemArticle 35Article 36Article 36AArticle 36BArticle 36CChapter XVI. Constitutional AmendmentsArticle 37Transitional ProvisionsArticle IArticle IIArticle IIIAdditional ProvisionsArticle IArticle II Chapter IXA. State Territory Article 25A The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic state, the boundaries and rights of whose territory shall be established by law. Please check out our other thought-provoking articles if you did like this one: Germany 1949 Constitution (reviewed 2014)Guatemala 1985 Constitution (reviewed 1993)Ireland 1937 Constitution (reviewed 2019)Republic of the Congo 2015 ConstitutionUnited States of America 1789 Constitution (reviewed 1992) Get more fascinating contents like this on Facebook. FacebookXEmailLinkedInWhatsApp