
Indonesia 1945 Constitution (reinstated 1959, reviewed 2002)

Table of Contents

Chapter VI. Regional Authorities

Article 18

  1. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia shall be divided into provinces and those provinces shall be divided into regencies (kabupaten) and municipalities (kota), each of which shall have regional authorities which shall be regulated by law.
  2. The regional authorities of the provinces, regencies and municipalities shall administer and manage their own affairs according to the principles of regional autonomy and the duty of assistance (tugas pembantuan).
  3. The authorities of the provinces, regencies and municipalities shall include for each a Regional People’s House of Representatives (DPRD) whose members shall be elected through general elections.
  4. Governors, Regents (bupati) and Mayors (walikota), respectively as head of regional government of the provinces, regencies and municipalities, shall be elected democratically.
  5. The regional authorities shall exercise wide-ranging autonomy, except in matters specified by law to be the affairs of the central government.
  6. The regional authorities shall have the authority to adopt regional regulations and other regulations to implement autonomy and the duty of assistance.
  7. The structure and administrative mechanisms of regional authorities shall be regulated by law.

Article 18A

  1. The authority relations between the central government and the regional authorities of the provinces, regencies and municipalities, or between a province and its regencies and municipalities, shall be regulated by law having regard to the particularities and diversity of each region.
  2. The relations between the central government and regional authorities in finances, public services, and the use of natural and other resources shall be regulated and administered with justice and equity according to law.

Article 18B

  1. The State recognises and respects units of regional authorities that are special and distinct, which shall be regulated by law.
  2. The State recognises and respects traditional communities along with their traditional customary rights as long as these remain in existence and are in accordance with the societal development and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and shall be regulated by law.
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