
Kuwait 1962 Constitution (reinstated 1992)

Table of Contents

Part III. Public Rights and Obligations

Article 27

Kuwaiti nationality shall be determined by Law.

No relinquishment or withdrawal of nationality shall be permissible save within the limits of the Law.

Article 28

No Kuwaiti may be deported from Kuwait or prevented from returning to it.

Article 29

The people are peers in human dignity and have, in the eyes of the Law, equal public rights and obligations. There shall be made no differentiation among them because of gender, origin, language or religion.

Article 30

Personal liberty is guaranteed.

Article 31

No person may be arrested, imprisoned, searched, have his residence restricted or be restrained in liberty of residence or of movement save in conformity with the provisions of the Law.

No person shall be subjected to torture or to ignominious treatment.

Article 32

Crime and punishment will be regulated by Law. Criminal punishment shall not be inflicted on the basis of ex post facto laws.

Article 33

Punishment is personal.

Article 34

The accused is innocent until proved guilty in a Court of Law which shall guarantee him the necessary sureties to exercise his right of defense.

The accused shall not be bodily or mentally injured.

Article 35

Freedom of belief is unrestricted. The State shall protect freedom in the observance of religious rites established by custom, provided such observance does not conflict with morals or disturb public order.

Article 36

Freedom of opinion and scientific research is guaranteed. Subject to the conditions and stipulations specified by Law, every person shall have the right to express his opinion by speaking or writing or otherwise.

Article 37

Freedom of the press and of publication is guaranteed, subject to the conditions and stipulations prescribed by Law.

Article 38

The home is inviolable; therefore, save in the cases determined by Law and in the manner stipulated therein, no person may enter any home without the dweller’s permission.

Article 39

The freedom of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications is safeguarded and their secrecy is guaranteed. Censorship of letters or disclosure of their secrecy shall not be permissible save in such cases as are set out in the Law and in conformity with the procedure stipulated therein.

Article 40

In conformity with the Law and with in the limits of public order and morals, education for Kuwaitis is a right guaranteed by the State. In compliance with the Law, education is compulsory and gratis in its first stages.

The Law shall lay down the necessary plans to eradicate illiteracy.

The State shall take special care of the physical, moral and intellectual development of youth.

Article 41

Every Kuwaiti shall have the right to work and to choose the nature of his occupation.

Work is the duty of every citizen. Dignity requires it and the public welfare ordains it. The State shall make work available to citizens and shall see to the equity of its conditions.

Article 42

No coercive labor shall be imposed on any one save in cases of national emergency determined by Law and with equitable compensation.

Article 43

The liberty of forming societies and unions on a national basis and by peaceful means is guaranteed in conformity with the conditions and the stipulations specified by Law; and no person shall be constrained to join any society or union.

Article 44

Individuals have the right to meet without need for permission or prior notification; no member of the Security Force shall be allowed to attend their private meetings.

Public assemblies, processions and gatherings are permitted in accordance with the conditions and the stipulations defined by Law provided the objects and the means of the gathering be peaceful and not incompatible with morals.

Article 45

Every individual may address public authorities in writing and over his own signature. Addressing the authorities in the name of a group shall be permissible only to duly constituted organizations.

Article 46

Extradition of political refugees is prohibited.

Article 47

Defense of the country is a sacred duty; the discharge of military service, an honor for the citizen, shall be regulated by Law.

Article 48

Payment of taxes and contribution to public expenditure are a duty in conformity with the Law.

The Law shall exempt small incomes from taxation in order to guarantee a minimum income for living.

Article 49

The observance of public order and the respect of public morals are an obligation on all inhabitants of Kuwait.

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