
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

Chapter IX. The Local Administration Authority

Article 85

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic is divided into three levels of local administration, namely provinces, districts and villages.

If it deems it necessary, the National Assembly may decide to establish a Special Zone.

Article 86 (New)

The Local Administration Authority has the role to manage the State uniformly within its jurisdiction.

The Local Administration Authority is responsible to the government and the Local People’s Assembly.

Provinces are [governed by] governors, cities are [governed by] governors of cities, districts are [governed by] mayors, municipalities are [governed by] chiefs of municipalities and villages are [administered by] village chiefs.

Governors, Governor of [Vientiane] Capital, mayors, chiefs of municipalities and village chiefs have deputies.

Governors, Governor of [Vientiane] Capital, mayors, [and] chiefs of municipalities cannot hold the position for more than two consecutive terms.

Article 87 (Amended)

The governors of provinces and [Vientiane] Capital have the following rights and duties:

  1. Implement constitution, laws, resolutions of the meeting of Provincial People’s Assembly, the resolutions of the meetings of Provincial People’s Assembly and resolutions of committees of Provincial People’s Assembly and applicable regulations adopted by the higher authorities;
  2. Seek authorization and agreement from Provincial People’s Assembly for the adoption of strategies, socio-economic development plans and financial plans of the provinces;
  3. Direct, manage, monitor and evaluate the implementation of obligations or work of all provincial divisions and relevant authorities under their supervision;
  4. Appoint, demote or remove the mayor of districts and heads of municipalities after or upon agreement made by committees of the Provincial People’s Assembly;
  5. Establish, demote or remove the vice-mayors of districts and heads of municipalities based on the recommendation of the governors of districts and municipalities;
  6. Establish, merge, divide or close down villages, or demarcate the area or border of villages based on the recommendation of the mayors of districts, municipality, [and] cities;
  7. Establish, demote or remove from office vice heads of provincial divisions and equivalent authorities based on the recommendation of the head of provincial divisions and equivalent authorities;
  8. Terminate or cancel decisions, orders, guidelines or legislation of other sectors under their supervision or below their level which contradict the laws, except the decision on the court proceeding of Local Public Prosecutor and Local People’s Court;
  9. Be involved in administering and managing any sphere concerning political, economic, [or] socio-cultural matters, natural resources, the environment, order and security, [and] international cooperation;
  10. To manage citizens, and to consider and resolve the proposals of the people;
  11. Report to the Provincial People’s Assembly, the Provincial People’s Assembly Standing Committee and the Prime Minister regarding the progress of their activities.

Article 88 (New)

The mayors of districts, head of municipalities and cities have the following rights and duties:

  1. Implement the constitution, laws, resolutions of the meeting of Provincial People’s Assembly, the resolutions of the meetings of Provincial People’s Assembly and applicable regulations adopted by the higher authorities;
  2. Prepare a draft strategic plan, socio-economic development plan and budget plan of the districts, municipalities, cities, to be proposed to the governors of provinces and cities;
  3. Direct, manage, monitor and evaluate the implementation of work or obligations of all offices and relevant authorities under their supervision;
  4. Appoint, demote or remove the head of office and other administrative positions of the district, municipalities [and] cities;
  5. Be involved in administering and managing any sphere concerning political, economic, [or] socio-cultural matters, natural resources, the environment, order and security under the supervision of districts, municipalities [and] cities;
  6. To manage citizens, and to consider and resolve the proposals of the people;
  7. Terminate or cancel decisions or other orders of all offices and equivalent organizations under the supervision of districts, municipalities [and] cities or below their level which contradict the laws, except the decision on the court proceeding of Local Public Prosecutor and Local People’s Court;
  8. Report to the governors of provinces and [Vientiane] Capital and the Provincial People’s Assembly Standing Committee regarding the progress of their activities.

Article 89 (Amended)

The village chiefs have the responsibility to organize the implementation of the laws and regulations, and take the lead in socio-economic development, protection of natural resources and environment, and maintain security and public order, educating local people with a view to maintaining harmony and making them the key actors to take the lead in developing their villages.

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