
Lebanon 1926 Constitution (reviewed 2004)

Table of Contents


Article 95

The Chamber of Deputies, elected on the basis of half Moslems and half Christians, must take the appropriate measures to eliminate political sectarianism, according to an interim plan, and the formation of a National Council under the presidency of the President of the Republic consisting, in addition to the President of the Chamber of Deputies and the Prime Minister, political, intellectual and social notables.

The mission of the Council is to study and suggest the means capable of eliminating the sectarianism, and introducing them to the Chamber of Deputies and the Council of Ministers, and to follow up on the interim plan.

In the transitory period:

  1. The sects are fairly represented in the formation of the Cabinet.
  2. The rule of sectarian representation is abrogated. Jurisdiction and efficiency are adopted in public employment, the Judiciary, the military and security establishments, the public and mixed organizations, according to the exigencies of national harmony, with the exception of the jobs of the first rank and the equivalence of the first rank therein. These jobs are equally divided between Christians and Moslems without specifying any job to a specific sect, taking into consideration the two principles of jurisdiction and efficiency.

Articles 96 97 98 99 and 100

(Abrogated by the Constitutional Law promulgated on January 21, 1947.)

Article 101

Effective September 1, 1926, the State of Grand Lebanon is called The Lebanese Republic, without any further modification or amendment.

Article 102

All legislative provisions contrary to this Constitution are abrogated.

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