
Libya 2011 Constitution (reviewed 2012)


Article 7

The State shall safeguard human rights and fundamental freedoms, endeavor to join the regional and international declarations and covenants which protect these rights and freedoms and strive for the promulgation of new covenants which recognize the dignity of man as Allah’s representative on earth.

Article 8

The state shall ensure equal opportunity and strive to guarantee a proper standard of living, the right to work, education medical care and social security to every citizen. The State shall guarantee individual and private property. It shall guarantee the just distribution of national wealth among citizens and among the different cities and regions of the State.

Article 9

Every citizen shall have the duty to defend the homeland, preserve its national unity, ensure respect for the civil constitutional democratic system, and adhere to civil values and combat the regional, factional and tribal tendencies.

Article 10

The State shall guarantee the right of asylum in accordance with an Act of Parliament. The extradition of political refugees shall be prohibited.

Article 11

Private homes and properties shall be inviolable. They shall not be entered or searched except in cases prescribed by the law and according to the manner indicated therein. The preservation of the public and private goods shall be a duty for every citizen.

Article 12

Private life for citizens shall be inviolable and shall be protected by statute. The State shall not intrude into it without a judicial warrant in accordance with the statute.

Article 13

Correspondence, telephonic conversations and other forms of communications shall be inviolable and confidential. They shall be guaranteed and shall not be confiscated, examined or censored except by judicial warrant for a determined period and in accordance with the statutory provisions.

Article 14

The State shall guarantee freedom of opinion, individual and collective expression, research, communication, press, media, printing and editing, movement, assembly, demonstration and peaceful sit-in in accordance with the statute.

Article 15

The state shall ensure freedom of establishing political parties, associations and other civil society organizations, and shall adopt a statute for their regulation. Secret or armed associations or societies in conflict with public order or public morals or threatening in other ways the State or the integrity of the national territory shall be prohibited.

Article 16

Private property shall be safeguarded. No owner may be prevented from disposing of his property except within the limits of the law.