
Liechtenstein 1921 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 7

  1. The Prince Regnant is the Head of State and shall exercise his sovereign authority in conformity with the provisions of the present Constitution and of the other laws.
  2. The Prince Regnant is not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and does not have legal responsibility. The same applies to any member of the Princely House who exercises the function of head of state in accordance with Art. 13bis.

Article 8

  1. The Prince Regnant shall represent the State in all its relations with foreign countries, without prejudice to the necessary participation of the responsible Government.
  2. Treaties by which national territory is ceded, national property alienated, rights of sovereignty or State prerogatives disposed of, any new burden for the Principality or its citizens imposed or any obligation to the detriment of the rights of the People of the Principality contracted shall not be valid unless they have received the assent of Parliament.

Article 9

Every law shall require the sanction of the Prince Regnant in order to acquire validity.

Article 10

  1. The Prince Regnant shall take, through the Government, and independently of Parliament, the steps required for the implementation and enforcement of the laws, and any action required in pursuance of the powers of administration and supervision, and shall issue the requisite ordinances (Art. 92). In urgent cases he shall take the necessary measures for the security and welfare of the State.
  2. Emergency decrees may not set aside the Constitution as a whole or individual provisions of it but may only limit the applicability of individual provisions. Emergency decrees can neither limit every person’s right to life, the prohibition of torture and inhuman treatment or the prohibition of slavery and forced labour nor place any restriction on the “no punishment without law” rule. Moreover, the provisions of this Article cannot limit the scope of Art. 3, 13ter and 113. Emergency decrees shall cease to apply six months after they have been issued.

Article 11

The Prince Regnant shall appoint the judges in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution (Art. 96).

Article 12

  1. The Prince Regnant shall possess the prerogative of remitting, mitigating or commuting sentences which have been legally pronounced, and of quashing prosecutions that have been initiated.
  2. Only at the instigation of Parliament shall the Prince Regnant exercise his prerogative of remission or mitigation in favour of a member of the Government sentenced on account of his official acts.

Article 13

Every successor to the throne shall, before receiving the oath of allegiance, declare upon his Princely honour and dignity in a written proclamation that he will govern the Principality of Liechtenstein in conformity with the Constitution and the other laws, that he will maintain its integrity, and will observe the rights of sovereignty indivisibly and in like manner.

Article 13bis

The Prince Regnant may entrust the next Heir Apparent of his House who has attained majority with the exercise of the sovereign powers held by him as his representative should he be temporarily prevented or in preparation for the Succession.

Article 13ter

Not less than 1,500 citizens have the right to table a reasoned motion of no confidence in the Prince. Parliament must issue a recommendation on this at its next session and order the holding of a referendum in accordance with Art. 66 Para. 6. If the motion is accepted in the referendum, it must be communicated to the Prince for consideration under the dynasty law. The prince must inform Parliament within six months of the decision reached in compliance with the said Law.