
Liechtenstein 1921 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 71

The National Committee (Landesausschuss) shall be constituted to act in place of Parliament for any business which requires the participation of the latter or of its committees during the period between the adjournment, closing or dissolution of Parliament and the date of its next meeting, without prejudice, however, to the provisions of Art. 48 to 51 concerning the time limits for the reconvocation of Parliament and for the holding of new elections.

Article 72

  1. The National Committee shall be composed of the President of Parliament, who shall be represented if unable to attend by his deputy, and of four other members, to be elected by Parliament from its midst, equal consideration being given to the Upper Country (Oberland) and the Lower Country (Unterland).
  2. Under all circumstances, Parliament must be enabled to hold this election during the same session at which its prorogation, closing or dissolution is announced.

Article 73

The term of office of the National Committee shall expire when Parliament reconvenes.

Article 74

The National Committee shall have the following special powers and duties:

  1. to ensure that the Constitution is observed, that steps are taken for the execution of the decisions of Parliament, and, if Parliament should have been dissolved or adjourned, that it is reconvened within the prescribed time;
  2. to audit the accounts of the State Treasury and to transmit the same to Parliament, together with its report and proposals;
  3. to append its signature to acknowledgements in respect of debts and securities made out against the State Treasury in pursuance of a previous resolution of Parliament;
  4. to carry out special tasks entrusted to it by Parliament for the preparation of future proceedings of the latter;
  5. in urgent cases, to bring matters to the notice of the Prince Regnant or the Government, and to lodge representations, protests or remonstrances in the case of any menace to or violation of constitutional rights;
  6. should the circumstances require it, to propose the convocation of Parliament.

Article 75

The National Committee may not enter into any permanent obligation on behalf of the Principality and shall be responsible to Parliament for its conduct of affairs.

Article 76

  1. The meetings of the National Committee shall take place as required at the seat of the Government upon convocation by the President.
  2. For its decisions to be valid, at least three members must be present.

Article 77

During the sessions of the National Committee, its members shall receive the same daily allowance and travel expenses as the members of Parliament.

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