
Lithuania 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2019)

Table of Contents


Article 135

In implementing its foreign policy, the Republic of Lithuania shall follow the universally recognised principles and norms of international law, shall seek to ensure national security and independence, the welfare of the citizens and their basic rights and freedoms, and shall contribute to the creation of the international order based on law and justice.

In the Republic of Lithuania, war propaganda shall be prohibited.

Article 136

The Republic of Lithuania shall participate in international organization provided that this is not in conflict with the interests and independence of the State.

Article 137

There may not be any weapons of mass destruction and foreign military bases on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

Article 138

The Seimas shall ratify or denounce the following international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania:

  1. on the alteration of the State boundaries of the Republic of Lithuania;
  2. on political co-operation with foreign states, mutual assistance treaties as well as treaties of defensive nature related to the defence of the State;
  3. on the renunciation of the use of force or threatening by force as well as peace treaties;
  4. on the presence and status of the armed forces of the Republic of Lithuania on the territories of foreign states;
  5. on the participation of the Republic of Lithuania in universal international organization and regional international organization;
  6. multilateral or long-term economic treaties.

Laws as well as international treaties may also provide for other cases when the Seimas ratifies international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania.

International treaties ratified by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania shall be a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania.

Article 139

The defence of the State of Lithuania against a foreign armed attack shall be the right and duty of each citizen of the Republic of Lithuania.

Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania must perform military or alternative national defence service according to the procedure established by law.

The organization of national defence shall be established by laws.

Article 140

The main issues of State defence shall be considered and co-ordinated by the State Defence Council which consists of the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Seimas, the Minister of National Defence, and the Commander of the Armed Forces. The State Defence Council shall be headed by the President of the Republic. The procedure for its formation, activities and its powers shall be established by law.

The President of the Republic shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the State.

The Government, the Minister of National Defence, and the Commander of the Armed Forces shall be responsible to the Seimas for the administration and command of the armed forces of the State. The Minister of National Defence may not be a serviceman who has not yet retired to the reserve.

Article 141

Persons performing actual military service or alternative service, as well as officers of the national defence system, the police and the interior, non-commissioned officers, re- enlistees, and other paid officials of paramilitary and security services who have not retired to the reserve may not be Members of the Seimas or members of municipal councils. They may not hold elected or appointed office in the State civil service, nor may they take part in the activities of political parties and organization.

Article 142

The Seimas shall impose martial law, announce mobilisation or demobilisation, adopt a decision to use the armed forces when a need arises to defend the Homeland or to fulfil the international obligations of the State of Lithuania.

In the event of an armed attack which threatens the sovereignty of the State or its territorial integrity, the President of the Republic shall immediately adopt a decision on the defence against the armed aggression, impose martial law throughout the State or in its separate part, announce mobilisation, and submit these decisions to the next sitting of the Seimas for approval, while in the period between sessions of the Seimas he shall immediately convene an extraordinary session of the Seimas. The Seimas shall approve or overrule the decision of the President of the Republic.

Article 143

If a regular election is to be held in time of war actions, either the Seimas or the President of the Republic shall adopt a decision to extend the term of powers of the Seimas, the President of the Republic, or of municipal councils. In such a case, elections must be called not later than three months after the end of the war.

Article 144

When a threat arises for the constitutional system or social peace of the State, the Seimas may impose a state of emergency throughout the territory of the State, or in any part of it. The period of the state of emergency shall not exceed six months.

In cases of urgency, between sessions of the Seimas, the President of the Republic shall have the right to adopt such a decision and convene, at the same time, an extraordinary session of the Seimas for the consideration of this issue. The Seimas shall approve or overrule the decision of the President of the Republic.

The state of emergency shall be regulated by law.

Article 145

After imposition of martial law or a state of emergency, the rights and freedoms specified in Articles 22, 24, 25, 32, 35, and 36 of the Constitution may be temporarily limited.

Article 146

The State shall take care of and provide for the servicemen who lost their health during the military service as well as for the families of servicemen who lost their lives or died during the military service.

The State shall also provide for citizens who lost their health while defending the State as well as for the families of the citizens who lost their lives or died in defence of the State.

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