
Lithuania 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2019)

Table of Contents


Article 18

Human rights and freedoms shall be innate.

Article 19

The right to life of a human being shall be protected by law.

Article 20

The freedom of a human being shall be inviolable.

No one may be arbitrarily detained or held arrested. No one may be deprived of his freedom otherwise than on the grounds and according to the procedures which have been established by law.

A person detained in flagrante delicto must, within 48 hours, be brought before a court for the purpose of deciding, in the presence of the detainee, on the validity of the detention. If the court does not adopt a decision to arrest the person, the detainee shall be released immediately.

Article 21

The person of the human being shall be inviolable.

The dignity of the human being shall be protected by law.

It shall be prohibited to torture, injure a human being, degrade his dignity, subject him to cruel treatment as well as establish such punishments.

No human being may be subjected to scientific or medical experimentation without his knowledge and free consent.

Article 22

The private life of a human being shall be inviolable.

Personal correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraph messages, and other communications shall be inviolable.

Information concerning the private life of a person may be collected only upon a justified court decision and only according to the law.

The law and the court shall protect everyone from arbitrary or unlawful interference in his private and family life, from encroachment upon his honour and dignity.

Article 23

Property shall be inviolable.

The rights of ownership shall be protected by laws.

Property may be taken over only for the needs of society according to the procedure established by law and shall be justly compensated for.

Article 24

The home of a human being shall be inviolable.

Without the consent of the resident, entrance into his home shall not be permitted otherwise than by a court decision or the procedure established by law when this is necessary to guarantee public order, apprehend a criminal, save the life, health, or property of a human being.

Article 25

The human being shall have the right to have his own convictions and freely express them.

The human being must not be hindered from seeking, receiving and imparting information and ideas.

Freedom to express convictions, to receive and impart information may not be limited otherwise than by law, if this is necessary to protect the health, honour and dignity, private life, and morals of a human being, or to defend the constitutional order.

Freedom to express convictions and to impart information shall be incompatible with criminal actions—incitement of national, racial, religious, or social hatred, violence and discrimination, with slander and disinformation.

The citizen shall have the right to receive, according to the procedure established by law, any information concerning him that is held by State institutions.

Article 26

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion shall not be restricted.

Each human being shall have the right to freely choose any religion or belief and, either alone or with others, in private or in public, to profess his religion, to perform religious practices, to practice and teach his belief.

No one may compel another person or be compelled to choose or profess any religion or belief.

Freedom of a human being to profess and spread his religion or belief may not be limited otherwise than by law and only when this is necessary to guarantee the security of society, the public order, the health and morals of the people as well as other basic rights and freedoms of the person.

Parents and guardians shall, without restrictions, take care of the religious and moral education of their children and wards according to their own convictions.

Article 27

A human being’s convictions, practiced religion or belief may not serve as justification for a crime or for failure to execute laws.

Article 28

While implementing his rights and freedoms, the human being must observe the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and must not restrict the rights and freedoms of other people.

Article 29

All persons shall be equal before the law, the court, and other State institutions and officials.

The rights of the human being may not be restricted, nor may he be granted any privileges on the ground of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, social status, belief, convictions, or views.

Article 30

The person whose constitutional rights or freedoms are violated shall have the right to apply to court.

Compensation for material and moral damage inflicted upon a person shall be established by law.

Article 31

A person shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the procedure established by law and declared guilty by an effective court judgement.

A person charged with the commission of a crime shall have the right to a public and fair hearing of his case by an independent and impartial court.

It shall be prohibited to compel one to give evidence against himself, his family members or close relatives.

Punishment may be imposed or applied only on the grounds established by law.

No one may be punished for the same crime a second time.

A person suspected of the commission of a crime and the accused shall be guaranteed, from the moment of their detention or first interrogation, the right to defence as well as the right to an advocate.

Article 32

A citizen may move and choose his place of residence in Lithuania freely and may leave Lithuania freely.

These rights may not be restricted otherwise than by law and if it is necessary for the protection of the security of the State, the health of the people as well as for administration of justice.

A citizen may not be prohibited from returning to Lithuania.

Everyone who is Lithuanian may settle in Lithuania.

Article 33

Citizens shall have the right to participate in the governance of their State both directly and through their democratically elected representatives as well as the right to enter on equal terms in the State service of the Republic of Lithuania.

Citizens shall be guaranteed the right to criticise the work of State institutions or their officials and to appeal against their decisions. Persecution for criticism shall be prohibited.

Citizens shall be guaranteed the right of petition; the procedure for implementing this right shall be established by law.

Article 34

Citizens who, on the day of election, have reached 18 years of age, shall have the electoral right.

The right to be elected shall be established by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and by the election laws.

Citizens who are recognised incapable by [the] court shall not participate in elections.

Article 35

Citizens shall be guaranteed the right to freely form societies, political parties and associations, provided that the aims and activities thereof are not contrary to the Constitution and laws.

No one may be compelled to belong to any society, political party, or association.

The founding and activities of political parties and other political and public organization shall be regulated by law.

Article 36

Citizens may not be prohibited or hindered from assembling unarmed in peaceful meetings.

This right may not be limited otherwise than by law and only when it is necessary to protect the security of the State or society, public order, people’s health or morals, or the rights and freedoms of other persons.

Article 37

Citizens belonging to ethnic communities shall have the right to foster their language, culture, and customs.