
Luxembourg 1868 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents

Chapter XI. General Provisions

Article 109

The City of Luxembourg is the capital of the Grand Duchy and the seat of Government. The seat of the Government may only be transferred temporarily for grave reasons.

Article 110

  1. An oath may only be imposed pursuant to the law, it determines the formula.
  2. All civil public functionaries, before entering into their functions, take the following oath:”I swear fidelity to the Grand Duke, obedience to the Constitution and to the laws of the State. I promise to fulfill my functions with integrity, exactitude and impartiality.”

Article 111

Every foreigner in the territory of the Grand Duchy enjoys the protection granted to persons and to property, save the exceptions established by the law.

Article 112

A law, a decree or a regulation of general or communal administration is only obligatory after having been published in the form determined by the law.

Article 113

No provisions of the Constitution may be suspended.

Article 114

Any revision of the Constitution must be adopted in the same terms by the Chamber of Deputies in two successive votes, separated by an interval of at least three months.

No revision will be adopted if it has not obtained at least two-thirds of the votes of the members of the Chamber; votes by proxy will not be admitted.

The text adopted in the first reading by the Chamber of Deputies is submitted to a referendum, which substitutes for the second vote of the Chamber, if in the two months following the first vote demand for it is made[,] either by more than a quarter of the members of the Chamber, or by twenty-five thousand electors inscribed in the electoral lists for legislative elections. The revision can only be adopted if it receives the majority of the valid suffrage expressed. The law governs the modalities of organization of the referendum.

Article 115

During a regency, no change can be made to the Constitution concerning the constitutional prerogatives of the Grand Duke, his status as well as the order of succession.

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