
Luxembourg 1868 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents

Chapter XII. Transitory and Supplementary Provisions

Article 116

Until provided for by a law, the Chamber of Deputies shall have the discretionary power to accuse a member of the Government, and the Superior Court of Justice, in general assembly, shall judge him, characterizing the offense and determining the penalty. Nevertheless, the penalty may not exceed that of confinement, without prejudice to cases expressly provided for by the penal laws.

Article 117

From the day the Constitution is executory, all the laws, all the decrees, orders, regulations and other acts which are contrary to it are abrogated.

Article 118

The provisions of the Constitution are not an obstacle to the approval of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, done at Rome on 17 July 1998, and to the execution of the obligations that result under the conditions specified by the said Statute.

Article 119

Pending the conclusion of the conventions referred to in Article 22, the current provisions concerning the religions remain in force.

Article 120

Until the promulgation of the laws and regulations referred to in the Constitution the laws and regulations in force continue to be applicable.

Article 121


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