
Madagascar 2010 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 137

The President of the Republic negotiates and ratifies the treaties. He is informed of any negotiations tending to the conclusion of an international agreement not submitted to ratification.

The ratification or the approval of the treaties of alliance, of the treaties of commerce, of the treaties or agreements relative to international organization, of those that engage the finances of the State including foreign loans, and of those that modify the provisions of a legislative nature, of those that are relative to the status of persons, of the treaties of peace, and of those that include modifications of the territory, must be authorized by the law.

Before any ratification, the treaties are submitted by the President of the Republic, to the control of constitutionality of the High Constitutional Court. In the case of non-conformity with the Constitution, there may not be ratification until after revision of it.

The treaties or agreements regularly ratified or approved have, from their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve, for each agreement or treaty, of its application by the other party.

Any treaty of affiliation of Madagascar to an organization of regional integration must be submitted to a popular consultation by way of referendum.

Article 138

The Prime Minister negotiates and signs the international agreements not submitted to ratification.