
Mexico 1917 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

CHAPTER II. Mexican Nationals

Article 30

Mexican nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization.

  1. The Mexican nationals by birth are:
    1. Those born in the Mexican territory, regardless of their parents’ nationality;
    2. Those born in a foreign country which are sons/daughters of Mexican parents born in national territory, of Mexican father born in national territory, or of Mexican mother born in national territory;
    3. Those born in a foreign country which are sons/daughters of Mexican parents by naturalization, of Mexican father by naturalization, or of Mexican mother by naturalization
    4. Those born on board of Mexican military or merchant vessels or aircrafts.
  2. The Mexicans by naturalization are:
    1. Those aliens who obtain a naturalization card from the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    2. Any foreign woman or man who marries a Mexican man or woman and establishes residence inside the Mexican territory, provided that foreigner complies with the other requirements set forth by the law for that purpose.

Article 31

Obligations of the Mexicans are:

  1. To make their children or pupils attend to the public or private schools to receive preschool, elementary, middle and higher education and the military [education] under the terms set by the law.
  2. To assist at the date and time established by the Municipal Council of their place of residence, to have civic and military training in order for them to be able to exercise their citizen rights and to have the appropriate knowledge about military discipline and fire arms handling.
  3. To join the Nation Guard, according to the pertinent organic law, in order to defend and assure the Nation’s independence, territory, honor, rights and interest, as well as to maintain the domestic peace an order.
  4. To contribute to the public expenditures of the Federation, the Federal District, the States or the Municipalities in which they have residence in the proportional and equity manners that the law has established.

Article 32

The law shall regulate the exercise of the rights that the Mexican legislation grants to its citizens that also have a second nationality and shall issue norms to avoid double citizenship conflicts.

The government positions and offices that by the terms established in this Constitution it is required to be a Mexican citizen by birth shall be reserved to those citizens that meet this criteria and that do not acquire another nationality. This provision shall also apply to the cases stated by other laws enacted by the Mexican Congress.

During peacetime, foreigners shall neither serve in the Army nor in the police or security bodies. During peacetime, only Mexicans by birth can serve in the Army, in the Navy or in the Air Force as well can perform any employment or commission within such corporations.

The same condition applies to captains, pilots, skippers, ship engineers, flight engineers and, in general, to every crew member in a ship or an airplane carrying the Mexican flag. In the same way, only Mexicans by birth can be port harbormasters, steersmen and airport superintendents.

Mexicans shall have priority over foreigners, under equal circumstances, for all kind of concessions, employments, positions or commissions of the government in which the status of citizenship is not indispensable.