
Montenegro 2007 Constitution (reviewed 2013)

Table of Contents


Article 139. Principles

Economic system shall be based on a free and open market, freedom of entrepreneurship and competition, independence of the economic entities and their responsibility for the obligations accepted in the legal undertakings, protection and equality of all forms of property.

Article 140. Economic area and equality

The territory of Montenegro shall represent a unique (unified) economic area.

The State shall encourage even economic development of all its areas.

It shall be prohibited to obstruct and limit free competition and to encourage unequal, monopolistic or dominant position in the market.

Article 141. State property

Assets in state property shall belong to the state of Montenegro.

Article 142. Tax obligation

The state shall be financed from taxes, duties and other revenues.

Every one shall pay taxes and other duties.

Taxes and other duties can be introduced only by law.

Article 143. Central Bank of Montenegro

The Central Bank of Montenegro shall be an independent organization, responsible for monetary and financial stability and banking system operations.

The Central Bank Council shall govern the Central Bank of Montenegro.

The Central Bank Governor shall manage the Central Bank of Montenegro.

Article 144. National Audit Institution

The National Audit Institution of Montenegro shall be an independent and supreme authority of the national audit.

The National Audit Institution shall audit the legality of and success in the management of state assets and liabilities, budgets and all the financial affairs of the entities whose sources of finance are public or created through the use of state property.

The National Audit Institution shall submit an annual report to the Parliament.

The Senate shall manage the National Audit Institution.

The President and members of the Senate of the State Audit Institution shall enjoy functional immunity and may not be invited to account for an opinion given or a decision made in performing their duties, except in the case of a criminal act.