
Morocco 2011 Constitution

Table of Contents

Title XIV. Transitory and Final Provisions

Article 176

Until the election of the Chambers of the Parliament provided for by this Constitution, the Chambers actually in [their] functions continue to exercise their attributions, notably to vote the laws necessary for the establishment [mise en place] of the new Chambers of Parliament, without prejudice to the application of Article 51 of this Constitution.

Article 177

The Constitutional Council [Conseil Constitutionnel] in [its] functions shall continue to exercise its attributions while awaiting the installation of the Constitutional Court provided for by this Constitution.

Article 178

The Superior Council of the Magistrature [Conseil superieur de la magistrature], actually in its functions, shall continue to exercise its attributions until the installation of the Superior Council of the Judicial Power provided for by this Constitution.

Article 179

The texts in force relative to the institutions and instances cited in Title XII, as well as those concerning the Economic and Social Council and the Superior Council of Teaching, remain in force until their replacement, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Article 180

Under reserve of the transitory provisions provided for in this Title, the text of the Revised Constitution, promulgated by Dahir No. 1-96-157 of 23 joumada I 1417 (7 October 1996), is abrogated.