
Myanmar 2008 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

Chapter XI. Provisions on State of Emergency

    1. If the President learns that or if the respective local administrative body submits that the administrative functions cannot be carried out in accord with the Constitution in a Region or a State or a Union territory or a Self-Administered Area, he may, after coordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, promulgate an ordinance and declare a state of emergency.
    2. In the matter concerning the declaration of a state of emergency in accord with Section 410, the President:
      1. may exercise the executive power of a Region or a State or a Self-Administered Area concerned. Moreover, he may form an appropriate body or a suitable person and entrust the said executive power;
      2. in doing so, if necessary, has the right to exercise the legislative power only for executive matters from among the matters that may be legislated by the respective Region, State or Self-Administered Areas. However, the legislative power shall not be empowered on any body or any person.


      1. If the President, learns that or if the respective local administrative body submits that there arises or is sufficient reason to arise a state of emergency endangering the lives, shelter and property of the public in a Region or a state or a Union Territory or a Self-Administered Area, after co-ordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, may promulgate an ordinance and declare a state of emergency.
      2. If all the members are unable to attend the meeting held by the President to co-ordinate with the National Defence and Security Council under Sub-Section (a), the President may declare in time a state of emergency after co-ordinating with the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, the Minister for Defence, and the Minister for Home Affairs who are members. The said declaration shall be submitted to the National Defence and Security Council for approval as soon as possible.
    1. According to Section 412, concerning the declaration of a state of emergency:
      1. the local administrative bodies and their members and the Civil Services organizations and their members may obtain the assistance of the Defence Services to effectively carry out their duties in accord with the existing laws in order to quickly restore to its original situation in an area where the declaration of a state of emergency has been in operation;
      2. the President may, if necessary, declare a military administrative order. In the said order, the executive powers and duties and the judicial powers and duties concerning community peace and tranquillity and prevalence of law and order shall be conferred on the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services. The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services may exercise the said powers and duties himself or empower on any suitable military authority to exercise thereof.
    2. The President, in promulgating an ordinance and declaring a state of emergency:
      1. shall specify in the said ordinance the areas and the duration that the state of emergency is in operation;
      2. may, if necessary, restrict or suspend as required, one or more fundamental rights of the citizens residing in the areas where the state of emergency is in operation.
    3. The President shall, relating to the measures taken under Sections 410 and 411, and relating to the measures taken under Sections 412 and 413 in declaring a state of emergency, carry out such measures in accord with Section 212 (b), (c) and (e).
    4. If the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session besides approving the submission of the President under Section 415 also extends the duration of the ordinance, it shall remain in operation up to the expiry of the extended duration.
    5. If there arises or if there is sufficient reason for a state of emergency to arise that may disintegrate the Union or disintegrate national solidarity or that may cause the loss of sovereignty, due to acts or attempts to take over the sovereignty of the Union by insurgency, violence and wrongful forcible means, the President may, after co-ordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, promulgate an ordinance and declare a state of emergency. In the said ordinance, it shall be stated that the area where the state of emergency in operation is the entire Nation and the specified duration is one year from the day of promulgation.


    1. In the matter concerning the declaration of the state of emergency according to Section 417, the President shall declare the transferring of legislative, executive and judicial powers of the Union to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services to enable him to carry out necessary measures to speedily restore its original situation in the Union. It shall be deemed that the legislative functions of all Hluttaws and leading bodies shall be suspended from the day of declaration. It shall also be deemed that on the expiry of the term of the said Hluttaws, the relevant Hluttaws have been dissolved automatically.
    2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, commencing from the day of transfer of the sovereign power to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, it shall be deemed that the members appointed and assigned duties by approval of the relevant Hluttaws in accord with the Constitution, Self-Administered Division Leading Bodies or the members of Self-Administered Zone Leading Bodies, with the exception of the President and the Vice-Presidents, have been terminated from duty.
  1. The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services to whom the sovereign power has been transferred shall have the right to exercise the powers of legislature, executive and judiciary. The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services may exercise the legislative power either by himself or by a body including him. The executive power and the judicial power may be transferred to and exercised by an appropriate body that has been formed or a suitable person.
  2. The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services may, during the duration of the declaration of a state of emergency, restrict or suspend as required, one or more fundamental rights of the citizens in the required area.
  3. The President:
    1. shall submit the matter of transferring the sovereign power to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, after declaring a state of emergency under Sections 417 and 418, to a regular session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw if it is in session, or to an emergency session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw by summoning it, if it is not in regular session;
    2. may, if the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services submits the extension of the prescribed duration by giving reasons why he has not yet been able to accomplish the duties assigned to him, and after co-ordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, normally permit two extensions of the prescribed duration for a term of six months for each extension. The matter relating to the extension shall be reported to the emergency session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw by summoning it.
  4. The President shall, on submission of a report that the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services has accomplished the duties assigned, declare the annulment of the ordinance transferring the sovereign power to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services under Section 418, after co-ordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, on the day of submission of the report by convening an emergency session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw if the term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has not expired, or on the day that the submission of the report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services is received if that term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has expired.
  5. The President shall, on receiving the report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services under Section 422, revoke the temporary suspension of the legislative functions of all Hluttaws and Leading Bodies if the term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has not expired. The New executive and judicial bodies prescribed in the Constitution shall then be formed and assigned duties in accord with the Constitution. Such bodies shall only carry out the duties for the remaining term of the Hluttaw.
  6. Notwithstanding that the term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has expired, the President and the Vice-Presidents, or the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall remain in their office until the new President and the new Vice-Presidents, or the new Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw and the new Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw have been elected in accord with the Constitution.
  7. The National Defence and Security Council may, if the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services submits the extension of the prescribed duration by giving reasons why he has not been able to accomplish the assigned duties, on the expiry of the term of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, normally permit two extensions of the prescribed duration for a term of six months for each extension.
  8. The National Defence and Security Council shall, concerning the matter of transferring of sovereign power by the President to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services by declaring a state of emergency under Sections 417 and 418, declare the annulment of the ordinance transferring the sovereign power to him under Section 418 on receiving the report that the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services has accomplished the duties assigned to him.
  9. The National Defence and Security Council:
    1. exercises the powers of the legislature, executive and judiciary before the Hluttaws are formed in accord with the Constitution;
    2. has the right to exercise the sovereign power until the new President has been elected and the Union level administrative bodies have been formed in accord with the provisions in this Constitution. In exercising thereof, the legislative power shall be exercised by itself. The executive power and the judicial power may be transferred to and exercised by the appropriate Bodies that have been formed or a suitable person at the Union, Region or State and Self-Administered Area levels.
  10. The National Defence and Security Council shall form and assign duties to different levels of administrative bodies, the Self-Administered Division Leading Body, or the Self-Administered Zone Leading Bodies and Election Commission prescribed in the Constitution with persons who meet the relevant qualifications prescribed in the Constitution.
  11. The National Defence and Security Council shall hold the general election in accord with the provisions of the Constitution within a duration of six months commencing from the day on which the ordinance is annulled under Section 426.
  12. The bodies formed under Section 428 shall continue to perform their functions and duties until legislative, executive and judicial bodies have been formed in accord with the Constitution after holding the general election.
  13. The National Defence and Security Council shall exercise the sovereign power in the name of the President.
  14. The legitimate measures of any administrative body or any of its members, any Civil Services body or any of its members, and any military body or any of its members assigned powers and duties to take measures as required in order to speedily restore the security, stability, community peace and tranquility and prevalence of law and order to its original state on behalf of the President while a declaration of emergency is in operation or during the duration the sovereign power is being exercised by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services or during the duration the sovereign power is being exercised by the National Defence and Security Council, shall be valid. No legal action shall be taken on such legitimate measures.