
Myanmar 2008 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

SCHEDULE 1. Union Legislative List (Refer to Section 96)

1. Union Defence and Security Sector

  1. Defence of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and every part thereof and preparation for such defence;
  2. Defence and Security industries;
  3. Arms, ammunition and explosives including biological and chemical weapons;
  4. Atomic energy, nuclear fuel and radiation and mineral resources essential to its production;
  5. Declaration of war and conclusion of peace;
  6. Stability, peace and tranquility of the Union and prevalence of law and order; and
  7. Police force.

2. Foreign Affairs Sector

  1. Representatives of the diplomatic, consular and other affairs;
  2. United Nations;
  3. Participation in international, regional and bilateral conferences, seminars, meetings, associations and other organizations and implementation of resolutions thereof;
  4. Conclusion and implementation of international and regional treaties, agreements, conventions and bilateral agreements and treaties;
  5. Passports and identification certificates;
  6. Visas, admission into the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, stay, departure, immigration and deportation; and
  7. Extradition and request for extradition.

3. Finance and Planning Sector

  1. The Union Budget;
  2. The Union Fund;
  3. Currency and coinage;
  4. The Central Bank of Myanmar and financial institutions;
  5. Foreign exchange control;
  6. Capital and money markets;
  7. Insurance;
  8. Income tax;
  9. Commercial tax;
  10. Stamp duty;
  11. Customs duty;
  12. Union lottery;
  13. Tax appeal;
  14. Services of the Union;
  15. Sale, lease and other means of execution of property of the Union;
  16. Disbursement of loans from the Union Funds;
  17. Investment of the Union Funds;
  18. Domestic and foreign loans;
  19. Acquisition of property for the Union; and
  20. Foreign aid and financial assistance.

4. Economic Sector

  1. Economy;
  2. Commerce;
  3. Co-operatives;
  4. Corporations, boards, enterprises, companies and partnerships;
  5. Imports, exports and quality control thereon;
  6. Hotels and lodging houses; and
  7. Tourism.

5. Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Sector

  1. Land administration;
  2. Reclamation of vacant, fallow and virgin lands;
  3. Settlements and land records;
  4. Land survey;
  5. Dams, embankments and irrigation works managed by the Union;
  6. Meteorology, hydrology and seismic survey;
  7. Registration of documents;
  8. Mechanized agriculture;
  9. Agricultural research;
  10. Production of chemical fertilizers and insecticides;
  11. Marine fisheries; and
  12. Livestock proliferation, prevention and treatment of diseases and research works.

6. Energy, Electricity, Mining and Forestry Sector

  1. Petroleum, natural gas, other liquids and substances declared by the Union Law to be dangerously inflammable;
  2. Production and distribution of electricity of the Union;
  3. Minerals, mines, safety of mine workers, and environmental conservation and restoration;
  4. Gems;
  5. Pearls;
  6. Forests; and
  7. Environmental protection and conservation including wildlife, natural plants and natural areas.

7. Industrial Sector

  1. Industries to be undertaken by the Union level;
  2. Industrial zones;
  3. Basic standardization and specification for manufactured products;
  4. Science and technology and research thereon;
  5. Standardization of weights and measures; and
  6. Intellectual property such as copyrights, patents, trademarks and industrial designs.

8. Transport, Communication and Construction Sector

  1. Inland water transport;
  2. Maintenance of waterways;
  3. Development of water resources and rivers and streams;
  4. Carriage by sea;
  5. Major ports;
  6. Lighthouses, lightships and lighting plans;
  7. Shipbuilding, repair and maintenance;
  8. Air transport;
  9. Air navigation, control and airfields construction;
  10. Land transport;
  11. Railways;
  12. Major highways and bridges managed by the Union;
  13. Posts, telegraphs, telephones, fax, e-mail, internet, intranet and similar means of communication; and
  14. Television, satellite communication, transmission and reception, and similar means of communication and housing and buildings.

9. Social Sector

  1. Educational curricula, syllabus, teaching methodology, research, plans, projects and standards;
  2. Universities, degree colleges, institutes and other institutions of higher education;
  3. Examinations prescribed by the Union;
  4. Private schools and training;
  5. National sports;
  6. National health;
  7. Development of traditional medicinal science and traditional medicine;
  8. Charitable hospitals and clinics and private hospitals and clinics;
  9. Maternal and child welfare;
  10. Red cross society;
  11. Prevention from adulteration, manufacture and sale of foodstuffs, drugs, medicines and cosmetics;
  12. Welfare of children, youths, women, the disabled, the aged and the homeless;
  13. Relief and rehabilitation;
  14. Fire Brigade;
  15. Working hours, resting-hours, holidays and occupational safety;
  16. Trade disputes;
  17. Social security;
  18. Labour organizations;
  19. Managements by the Union, the following:
    1. Ancient culture or historical sites, buildings, monuments, records, stone inscriptions, ink inscriptions on stucco, palm-leaf parabaiks, handwritings, handiworks, inanimate objects and archaeological works;
    2. Museums and libraries.
  20. Literature, dramatic arts, music, traditional arts and crafts, cinematographic films and videos; and
  21. Registration of births and deaths.

10. Management Sector

  1. General administration;
  2. Administration of town and village land;
  3. Tenants;
  4. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  5. Union secrets;
  6. Associations;
  7. Prisons;
  8. Development of border areas;
  9. Census;
  10. Citizenship, naturalization, termination and revocation of citizenship, citizenship scrutiny and registration; and
  11. Titles and honours.

11. Judicial Sector

  1. Judiciary;
  2. Lawyers;
  3. Criminal Laws and procedures;
  4. Civil Laws and procedures including contract, arbitration, actionable wrong, insolvency, trust and trustees, administrator and receiver, family laws, guardians and wards, transfer of property and inheritance;
  5. Law of Evidence;
  6. Limitation;
  7. Suit valuation;
  8. Specific relief;
  9. Foreign jurisdiction;
  10. Admiralty jurisdiction; and
  11. Piracies, crimes committed in international waters or in outer space and offences against the international law on land or in international waters or in outer space.
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