Articles of the 1972 and 1983 text of the Constitution which are to remain in force for the time being
Article 54, paragraph 2
The following persons shall not be entitled to vote:
a. anyone who has committed an offence designated by Act of Parliament and has been sentenced as a result by a final and conclusive judgment of a court of law to a custodial sentence of not less than one year and simultaneously disqualified from voting;
b. anyone who has been deemed legally incompetent by a final and conclusive judgment of a court because of mental disorder.
Article 81
The form of promulgating laws shall be as follows:
“We” etc. “King of the Netherlands,” etc.
“Greetings to all those who shall see or hear these presents! be it known:
“Whereas we have considered that” etc.
(The reasons of the law.)
“Thus it is that We, having heard the Council of State, and in consultation with the States General, have approved and decreed, as we hereby approve and decree” etc.
(The contents of the law.)
“Given”, etc.
In the event that a Queen reigns or royal authority is exercised by a regent or by the Council of State, the necessary modification shall be made in this form.
Article 130
The King shall notify the States General as soon as possible whether he approves or disapproves a Bill which has been passed by it. Such notification shall take place by means of one of the following forms:
“The King assents to the Bill.” or:
“The King is considering the Bill.”