CHAPTER 8. Revision of the Constitution
Article 137
- An Act of Parliament shall be passed stating that an amendment to the Constitution in the form proposed shall be considered.
- The Lower House may divide a Bill presented for this purpose into a number of separate Bills, either upon a proposal presented by or on behalf of the King or otherwise.
- The Lower House shall be dissolved after the Bill referred to in the first paragraph has been published.
- After the new Lower House has assembled, the two Houses of the States General shall consider, at second reading, the Bill referred to in the first paragraph. The Bill shall be passed only if at least two thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
- The Lower House may divide a Bill for the amendment of the Constitution into a number of separate Bills, either upon a proposal presented by or on behalf of the King or otherwise, if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
Article 138
- Before Bills to amend the Constitution which have been given a second reading have been ratified by the King, provisions may be introduced by Act of Parliament whereby:
- the proposals adopted and the unamended provisions of the Constitution are adjusted to each other as required;
- the division into chapters, sections and articles and the headings and numbering thereof are modified.
- A Bill containing provisions as referred to under paragraph l(a) shall be passed by the two Houses only if at least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor.
Article 139
Amendments to the Constitution passed by the States General and ratified by the King shall enter into force immediately after they have been published.
Article 140
Existing Acts of Parliament and other regulations and decrees which are in conflict with an amendment to the Constitution shall remain in force until provisions are made in accordance with the Constitution.
Article 141
The text of the revised Constitution shall be published by Royal Decree in which the chapters, sections and articles may be renumbered and references to them altered accordingly.
Article 142
The Constitution may be brought into line with the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands by Act of Parliament. Articles 139, 140 and 141 shall apply mutatis mutandis.