
New Zealand 1852 Constitution (reviewed 2014)

Table of Contents

Electoral Act 1993


An Act to reform the electoral system and to provide, in particular, if the proposal for the introduction of the mixed member proportional system is carried at the referendum held under the Electoral Referendum Act 1993,—

  1. for the introduction of the mixed member proportional system of representation in relation to the House of Representatives:
  2. for the establishment of an Electoral Commission:
  3. for the repeal of the Electoral Act 1956

1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as the Electoral Act 1993.

2. Commencement

  1. If the Chief Electoral Officer makes, in accordance with section 19(5) of the Electoral Referendum Act 1993, a declaration that the proposal favouring the introduction of the proposed mixed member proportional system as provided in this Act is carried, Part 4 and Parts 6 to 9 and Schedules 2 and 3 shall, except as provided in subsection (2), come into force on 1 July 1994.
  2. If the Chief Electoral Officer makes, in accordance with section 19(5) of the Electoral Referendum Act 1993, a declaration that the proposal favouring the introduction of the proposed mixed member proportional system as provided in this Act is carried, section 3 and Parts 1, 2, 3, and 5 and sections 267, 269, and 270 and Schedule 1 shall come into force on the day after the date on which that declaration is published in the Gazette.
  3. If the Chief Electoral Officer makes, in accordance with section 19(5) of the Electoral Referendum Act 1993, a declaration that the proposal favouring the introduction of the proposed mixed member proportional system as provided in this Act is not carried,—
    1. section 3 and Parts 1 to 9 and Schedules 1, 2, and 3 shall not come into force; and
    2. on 1 July 1994, this Act shall be deemed to be repealed.
  4. Except as provided in subsections (1) to (3), this Act shall come into force on the day on which it receives the Royal assent.

3. Interpretation

  1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—
    • adult—
      approved electronic medium, in relation to the making of an application or the providing of any information, means an electronic medium approved by the Electoral Commission for the making of that application or the providing of that information

      bribery has the meaning assigned to that term by section 216 by-election means any election other than a general election


      1. means a constituency candidate; and
      2. includes a list candidate (other than in Parts 6AA and 6A); and
      3. in the definition of candidate advertisement and in section 3A and Parts 6AA, 6A, 7, and 8 includes a person who has declared his or her intention of becoming a constituency candidate; and
      4. in Parts 7 and 8 includes a person who has declared his or her intention of becoming a list candidate
      candidate advertisement means an advertisement in any medium that may reasonably be regarded as encouraging or persuading voters to do either or both of the following:

      1. to vote for a constituency candidate (whether or not the name of the candidate is stated):
      2. not to vote for a constituency candidate (whether or not the name of the candidate is stated)
      census means the census of population and dwellings carried out by the Department of Statistics pursuant to the Statistics Act 1975

      Chief Electoral Officer means the Chief Electoral Officer appointed under this Act; and includes any person authorised to exercise the powers, duties, and functions of the Chief Electoral Officer

      component party means, in relation to a registered political party (in this definition called the registered party) or in relation to a political party that is applying for registration (in this definition called the applicant party),—

      1. a political party that is a member of the registered party or of the applicant party; or
      2. a political party that has combined some or all of its membership with that of another political party and thereby formed the registered party or the applicant party or augmented the membership of such a party, as the case may be
      constituency candidate means a person who has been nominated as a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives representing an electoral district

      corrupt practice means any act declared by this Act to be a corrupt practice

      Corrupt Practices List, in relation to any district, means the Corrupt Practices List made out for that district under section 100

      costs includes charges and expenses

      Crown means Her Majesty in respect of the Government of New Zealand

      current financial member, in relation to a political party, means a member of the party—

      1. whose membership of the party resulted from an application made by the member to join the party; and
      2. who is, under the party’s rules, subject to an obligation to pay to the party a membership fee—
        1. on becoming a member; and
        2. then at specified intervals of not more than 3 years; and
      3. who has paid to the party every membership fee that has for the time being become payable by the member in accordance with those rules
      district or electoral district or electorate means a General electoral district or a Maori electoral district constituted under this Act

      election means an election of a member of the House of Representatives

      election advertisement has the meaning given to it by section 3A

      election expenses,—

      1. in relation to a constituency candidate, has the meaning given to it by section 205:
      2. in relation to a party that is registered under Part 4, has the meaning given to it by section 206
      elector, in relation to any district, means a person registered, or qualified to be registered, as an elector of that district

      Electoral Commission means the Electoral Commission established by section 4B

      Electoral Commissioner or Commissioner means a member of the Electoral Commission

      electoral official means any person that the Electoral Commission employs or engages for the purpose of assisting with the performance of its functions

      electoral roll, in relation to any district, means, subject to sections 101 to 103, the forms of application for registration kept by the Registrar of persons registered as electors of that district (including a form returned following an inquiry under section 89D)

      eligible political party means a political party that has at least 500 current financial members who are eligible to enrol as electors

      enduring power of attorney means a power of attorney described in section 95 of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988

      general election means an election that takes place after the dissolution or expiration of Parliament

      General electoral district means an electoral district other than a Maori electoral district

      General electoral population means total ordinarily resident population as shown in the last periodical census of population and dwellings with the exception of the Maori electoral population

      Government means the Government of New Zealand

      hospital means a hospital care institution within the meaning of section 58(4) of the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001

      illegal practice means any act declared by this Act to be an illegal practice

      issuing officer, in relation to a polling place, means the manager of the polling place or a person authorised, under section 158(3)(a), to issue ballot papers in the polling place

      list candidate means any person whose name is specified in a party list submitted to the Electoral Commission under section 127

      main roll, in relation to any district, means, subject to section 107, the main roll printed for the district and for the time being in force

      manager, in relation to a polling place, means the person designated, under section 158(2), as the manager of the polling place

      Maori means a person of the Maori race of New Zealand; and includes any descendant of such a person

      Maori electoral district means an electoral district constituted under section 45

      Maori electoral population means a figure representing both the persons registered as electors of the Maori electoral districts and a proportion of the persons of New Zealand Maori descent who are not registered as electors of any electoral district and a proportion of the persons of New Zealand Maori descent under the age of 18 years, which figure shall be fixed—

      1. by ascertaining a proportion determined by dividing—
        1. the total number of persons registered as at the close of the last day of the period specified in the last notice published under section 77(2) as electors of Maori electoral districts, and persons on the dormant rolls for Maori electoral districts; by
        2. the total number of persons of New Zealand Maori descent registered as at the close of the day referred to in subparagraph (i) as electors of either General electoral districts or Maori electoral districts, and persons on the dormant rolls for Maori electoral districts and General electoral districts; and
      2. by applying the proportion ascertained under paragraph (a) to the total number of ordinarily resident persons of New Zealand Maori descent as determined by the last periodical census
      medical practitioner means a health practitioner who is, or is deemed to be, registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand continued by section 114(1)(a) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 as a practitioner of the profession of medicine

      member of the Defence Force means any person resident in New Zealand within the meaning of this Act who is for the time being a member of the New Zealand Defence Force constituted by section 11(1) of the Defence Act 1990; and includes any person so resident who is attached to, or employed by, or carries out duties of the New Zealand Defence Force which necessitate his or her being outside New Zealand

      mental impairment, in relation to any person, means an impairment causing a person to lack, wholly or partly, the capacity to understand the nature of any decision about registering as an elector

      meshblock means statistical meshblock

      Minister means the Minister of Justice

      nomination day, in relation to any election, means the day appointed in the writ for that election as the latest day for the nomination of candidates

      party, in Parts 6AA, 6A, and 6B,—

      1. means a political party registered under Part 4; and
      2. includes a political party that at any time during the regulated period has been registered under Part 4
      party advertisement means an advertisement in any medium that may reasonably be regarded as encouraging or persuading voters to do either or both of the following:

      1. to vote for a party (whether or not the name of the party is stated):
      2. not to vote for a party (whether or not the name of the party is stated)
      party secretary or, in relation to a party, secretary means the person (whatever his or her designation or office) whose duties include responsibility for—

      1. carrying out the administration of the party; and
      2. conducting the correspondence of the party
      permanent resident of New Zealand has the meaning assigned thereto by section 73

      personation has the meaning assigned to that term by section 215

      polling day, in relation to any election, means the day appointed in the writ for that election for the polling to take place if a poll is required

      polling place official means a person appointed, under section 158(1), as an official for a polling place

      prescribed means prescribed by this Act or by regulations made thereunder or (for the purposes of Part 8) by rules of court

      prison means a prison established or deemed to be established under the Corrections Act 2004

      public inspection period means, in relation to a return filed under sections 205K, 206I, 206ZC, 209, 210, 210C, 214C, and 214F, the period—

      1. beginning 3 working days after the date of receipt by the Electoral Commission of the duly completed return; and
      2. ending with the close of polling day for the second general election that takes place after the date of receipt by the Electoral Commission of the duly completed return
      public money has the same meaning as in the Public Finance Act 1989

      public notice or public notification means a notice printed in some newspaper circulating in the district intended to be affected by the notice

      public place has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Summary Offences Act 1981

      public servant—

      1. means a person employed in the service of the Crown, not being honorary service; and
      2. includes a person employed in—
        1. the Education service as defined in the State Sector Act 1988; or
        2. the Cook Islands Public Service; or
        3. the Western Samoan Public Service; and
      3. includes an electoral official; but
      4. does not include an electoral official who has been appointed as a Deputy Electoral Commissioner or Returning Officer; and
      5. does not include any person to whom subsection (2) or subsection (3) applies; and
      6. does not include—
        1. any person by reason of his or her holding an office for which salary is payable under the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013; or
        2. any person by reason of his or her being employed in any of Her Majesty’s forces except the Royal New Zealand Navy, the Regular Force of the New Zealand Army, or the Regular Air Force of the Royal New Zealand Air Force; or
        3. any person remunerated by fees or commission and not by wages or salary
      Registrar, in relation to any district, means the Registrar of Electors appointed for that district under section 22; and includes his or her deputy

      Registrar of Births and Deaths means Registrar within the meaning of section 2 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995

      regulated period has the meaning given to it by section 3B

      representative, in Part 5, means,—

      1. in relation to a person who is outside New Zealand, or who has a physical impairment,—
        1. a person who is a registered elector:
        2. an attorney appointed under a power of attorney:
      2. in relation to a person who has a mental impairment,—
        1. a person who is a registered elector:
        2. a welfare guardian appointed under section 12(1) of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988:
        3. an attorney appointed under an enduring power of attorney
      residence and to reside have the meanings assigned thereto by section 72

      Returning Officer means an electoral official designated under section 20B; and includes a person authorised to exercise or perform the powers, duties, or functions of a Returning Officer

      roll means an electoral roll, a main roll, or a supplementary roll, as the case may be; and includes a composite roll printed under section 107

      Speaker means—

      1. the Speaker of the House of Representatives; or
      2. if the Speaker of the House of Representatives is (for whatever reason) unable to act, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; or
      3. if neither the Speaker of the House of Representatives nor the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives is (for whatever reason) able to act, an Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives who is able to act
      special voter, in relation to any election, means a person qualified under this Act to vote as a special voter at that election

      statement includes not only words but also pictures, visual images, gestures, and other methods of signifying meaning

      supplementary roll, in relation to any district, means a supplementary roll printed for the district and for the time being in force

      treating has the meaning assigned to that term by section 217

      undue influence has the meaning assigned to that term by section 218

      working day means any day of the week other than—

      1. Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Labour Day, the Sovereign’s birthday, and Waitangi Day; and
      2. if Waitangi Day or Anzac Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday; and
      3. a day in the period commencing with 25 December in any year and ending with 15 January in the following year
      writ means a writ for an election issued under this Act

      writ day, in relation to any election, means the day of the issue of the writ for that election.

      A reference to a numbered form is a reference to the form so numbered in Schedule 2.

  2. Where any person—
    1. is appointed by the Crown, or the Government, or any department or agency of the Government to be a member of any commission, council, board, committee, or other body; or
    2. is a member of any commission, council, board, committee, or other body of which any members receive any payment out of public money,—

    he or she shall not by reason of that membership be deemed to be a public servant, whether or not he or she receives any travelling allowances or travelling expenses.

  3. No person shall, by reason only of being a head of mission or head of post within the meaning of the Foreign Affairs Act 1988, be deemed to be a State servant within the meaning of section 52(1) or a public servant, whether or not that person receives any salary, allowances, or expenses.

3A. Meaning of election advertisement

  1. In this Act, election advertisement—
    1. means an advertisement in any medium that may reasonably be regarded as encouraging or persuading voters to do either or both of the following:
      1. to vote, or not to vote, for a type of candidate described or indicated by reference to views or positions that are, or are not, held or taken (whether or not the name of the candidate is stated):
      2. to vote, or not to vote, for a type of party described or indicated by reference to views or positions that are, or are not, held or taken (whether or not the name of the party is stated); and
    2. includes—
      1. a candidate advertisement; and
      2. a party advertisement.
  2. None of the following are election advertisements:
    1. an advertisement that—
      1. is published, or caused or permitted to be published, by the Electoral Commission or any other agency charged with responsibilities in relation to the conduct of any official publicity or information campaign to be conducted on behalf of the Government of New Zealand; and
      2. relates to electoral matters or the conduct of any general election or by-election; and
      3. contains either—
        1. a statement indicating that the advertisement has been authorised by that officer or agency; or
        2. a symbol indicating that the advertisement has been authorised by that officer or agency:
    2. contact information (as defined in subsection (3)) published in any medium by a member of Parliament that satisfies all of the following requirements:
      1. the information was published by a member of Parliament in the course of performing his or her role and functions as a member of Parliament; and
      2. the information was prepared for publication and published by the member of Parliament using funding received under Vote Parliamentary Service; and
      3. the information was routinely published in that medium before the commencement of the regulated period and continues to be published in that medium during the regulated period; and
      4. the information is published during the regulated period no more often and to no greater extent than before the commencement of the regulated period; and
      5. the information is published during the regulated period in the same form and style as before the commencement of the regulated period; and
      6. the information is not included, combined, or associated with an election advertisement (as de- fined in subsection (1)), or with any other information so as to constitute an election advertisement, that is published by—
        1. the member of Parliament; or
        2. the secretary of the party to which the member of Parliament belongs; or
        3. any other person with the authority of the member of Parliament:
    3. the editorial content of—
      1. a periodical:
      2. a radio or television programme:
      3. a publication on a news media Internet site:
    4. any transmission (whether live or not) of proceedings in the House of Representatives:
    5. any publication on the Internet, or other electronic medium, of personal political views by an individual who does not make or receive a payment in respect of the publication of those views.
  3. In this section,—
    • contact information, in relation to a member of Parliament, means information that—
      periodical means a newspaper, magazine, or trade or professional journal that—

      1. was established for purposes unrelated to the conduct of election campaigns; and
      2. since its establishment has been—
        1. published at regular intervals; and
        2. generally available to members of the public.

3B. Meaning of regulated period

  1. In this Act, regulated period, in relation to a general election, has the meaning given to it by subsections (2) and (3).
  2. If before the close of the default day the Prime Minister gives public notice of the day that is to be polling day for the election, the regulated period—
    1. commences on the later of the following days:
      1. the day after the date on which the Prime Minister gives that public notice:
      2. the day that is 3 months before polling day; and
    2. ends with the close of the day before polling day.
  3. If at the close of the default day the Prime Minister has not given public notice of the day that is to be polling day for the election, the regulated period—
    1. commences on the close of the default day; and
    2. ends with the close of the day before polling day.
  4. In this Act, regulated period, in relation to a by-election, means the period that—
    1. commences on the day after the notice of the vacancy to be filled by the by-election is published under section 129(1); and
    2. ends with the close of the day before polling day.
  5. In this section,—
    • default day means the day that is 2 years and 9 months after the polling day for the preceding general election
      give public notice means issue a media statement.

3C. Electoral Commission to publish details relating to regulated period

The Electoral Commission must, as soon as practicable after the commencement of the regulated period for a general election, publish in the Gazette notice of—

  1. the date on which the regulated period commenced; and
  2. the date on which the regulated period will end.

3D. Meaning of publish

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, publish, in relation to an election advertisement, means to bring to the notice of a person in any manner—

  1. including—
    1. displaying on any medium:
    2. distributing by any means:
    3. delivering to an address:
    4. leaving at a place:
    5. sending by post or otherwise:
    6. printing in a newspaper or other periodical:
    7. broadcasting by any means:
    8. disseminating by means of the Internet or any other electronic medium:
    9. storing electronically in a way that is accessible to the public:
    10. incorporating in a device for use with a computer:
    11. inserting in a film or video; but
  2. excluding addressing 1 or more persons face to face.

3E. Meaning of advertising expenses

  1. In this Act, advertising expenses, in relation to an election advertisement—
    1. includes—
      1. the cost incurred in the preparation, design, composition, printing, postage, and publication of the advertisement; and
      2. the reasonable market value of any material used for or applied towards the advertisement, including any such material that is provided free of charge or below reasonable market value; but
    2. excludes the cost of—
      1. the conduct of any survey or public opinion poll; and
      2. any framework (other than a commercial framework) that supports a hoarding on which the advertisement is displayed; and
      3. the labour of any person that is provided free of charge by that person; and
      4. the replacement of any material used in respect of the advertisement if that advertisement has been destroyed or rendered unusable by—
        1. 1 or more persons, other than the person promoting the advertisement (person A):
        2. the occurrence of an event beyond the control of person A, or any person acting on behalf of person A.
  2. To avoid doubt, advertising expenses does not include the cost (including running costs) of any vehicle used to display an election advertisement if the use of the vehicle for that purpose is not the subject of a contract, arrangement, or understanding for the payment of money or money’s worth.
  3. In this section, vehicle has the meaning given to it by section 2(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998.

Subpart 1. Extraterritorial application

3F. Application of Act to conduct outside New Zealand

  1. The provisions of Part 6AA and 6A apply in respect of the publication of an election advertisement—
    1. in New Zealand, in any case where the promoter of the advertisement is outside New Zealand; and
    2. outside New Zealand, in any case where the promoter of the advertisement is in New Zealand.
  2. Subsection (1) does not affect the application of the provisions of this Act (other than those provisions in Parts 6AA and 6A that apply in respect of the publication of an election advertisement) in respect of an offence that under any provision of the Crimes Act 1961 is deemed to be committed in New Zealand.
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