
Nicaragua 1987 Constitution (reviewed 2014)

Table of Contents



Article 196

This Constitution shall apply from the time of its publication in La Gaceta, Diario Oficial, and repeals the all other legal provisions inconsistent with it.

The existing legal order continues to apply to the extent that it is not contrary to the present Constitution.

Article 197

This Constitution shall be widely disseminated in the official language of the country. It shall also be disseminated in the languages of the communities of the Atlantic Coast.

Article 198

[Repealed by Law No. 854]

Article 199

[Repealed by Law No. 854]

Article 200

[Repealed by Law No. 854]

Article 201

[Repealed by Law No. 854]

Article 202

For official copies of this Constitution shall be signed in four copies by the President and the members of the National Assembly and by the President of the Republic. They shall be kept in the offices of the Presidency of the National Assembly, the Presidency of the Republic, the Presidency of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Presidency of the Supreme Electoral Council, and each one shall be considered as an authentic text of the Political Constitution of Nicaragua. The President of the Republic shall publish it in La Gaceta, Diario Oficial.

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