
Nicaragua 1987 Constitution (reviewed 2014)

Table of Contents



Article 116

Education has as its objective the full and integral development of Nicaraguans; to provide them with a critical, scientific and humanist consciousness; to develop their personality and their sense of dignity and to prepare them to assume the tasks of common interest demanded for the progress of the nation. Therefore, education is a fundamental factor for the transformation and development of the individual and of society.

Article 117

Education is one single, democratic, creative and participatory process, which links theory with practice, manual with intellectual labor, and promotes scientific research. It is based on our national values, in the knowledge of our history, reality, national and universal culture and in the constant development of science and technology; it cultivates the values of the new Nicaraguan in accordance with the principles established in this Constitution, the study of which must be promoted.

Article 118

The State promotes the participation of the family, the community and the people in education and guarantees the support of the means of social communication for this purpose.

Article 119

Education is a fundamental duty of the State. Planning, direction and organization of education correspond to the State. The national educational system functions in an integrated fashion and in accordance with national plans. Its organization and functioning are determined by law.

It is the duty of the State to train and prepare the necessary technical and professional personnel at all levels and specializations for the development and transformation of the country.

Article 120

The creative application of educational plans and policies is a fundamental role of the national teaching profession. Teachers have the right to standards of living and work corresponding to their dignity and the important social function that they carry out; they shall be promoted and encouraged in their work in accordance with the law.

Article 121

The access to education is free and equal for all Nicaraguans. Primary education is free of charge and mandatory at the centers of the State. The secondary education is free of charge at the centers of the State without prejudice to any voluntary contributions which parents of the family may make. No one may be excluded in any form from a State center for economic reasons. The indigenous peoples and ethnic communities of the Atlantic Coast have the right in their region to intercultural education in their native language, in accordance with the law.

Article 122

Adults shall enjoy opportunities to be educated and to develop skills through education and training programs. The State shall continue its educational programs to eliminate illiteracy.

Article 123

Private centers dedicated to teaching may function at all levels, subject to the precepts established in this Constitution.

Article 124

Education in Nicaragua is secular. The State recognizes the right of private education centers with a religious orientation to teach religion as an extracurricular subject.

Article 125

The universities and superior technical education centers enjoy academic, financial, organic, and administrative autonomy, in accordance with the law.

They shall be exempt from any class of taxes and fiscal contributions, regional and municipal. Their assets and revenues may not be the object of intervention, expropriation or seizure, except when the relevant obligation originates in civilian, business, or labor contracts.

The professors, students, and administrative employees shall participate in the university management. Universities and superior technical education centers which, according to law, must be State-funded, shall receive an annual allocation of six percent of the General Budget of the Republic, which shall be distributed according to law. The State may allocate additional contributions to cover extraordinary expenditures of these universities and superior technical education centers.

Academic freedom is guaranteed. The State promotes and protects the free creation, research, and diffusion of the sciences, technology, the arts and letters, and guarantees and protects intellectual property.

Article 126

It is the duty of the State to promote the recovery, development and strengthening of national culture, sustained by the creative participation of the people.

The State shall support national culture in all its expressions, whether collective or from individual creators.

Article 127

Artistic and cultural creation is free and unrestricted. Cultural workers have full freedom to choose forms and styles of expression. The State shall strive to provide them with the means necessary to create and divulge their works, and to protect their rights of authorship.

Article 128

The State protects the archaeological, historical, linguistic, cultural and artistic patrimony of the nation.