
Niger 2010 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents


Article 172

The Republic of Niger may conclude with any African State agreements of association or of community involving [emportant] partial or total abandonment of sovereignty in order to achieve African Unity.

The Republic of Niger may conclude agreements of cooperation and of association with other States on the basis of reciprocal rights and advantages.

It accepts[,] to create with these States, intergovernmental organs [organismes] of common administration, of coordination and of free cooperation.

These organs may have as [their] objective, notably:

  • the harmonization of the economical, financial and monetary policy;
    the establishment of unions with a view to [visant] economic integration by the promotion of production and of exchanges;

    the creation of funds of solidarity;

    the harmonization of the plans of development;

    the harmonization of the foreign policy;

    cooperation in judicial matters;

    cooperation in defense matters;

    cooperation in security matters;

    cooperation in health matters;

    cooperation in cultural, scientific and technical matters;

    the coordination of transports, communications and telecommunications;

    cooperation in the matters of the fight against natural calamities;

    to enhance [la mise en valeur] natural resources;

    the preservation of the environment;

    cooperation in the matters of the administration of the hydraulic resources.


Article 173

The initiative of the revision of the Constitution belongs concurrently to the President of the Republic and to the members of the National Assembly.

The initiative of revision of the Constitution by the President of the Republic is transmitted to the National Assembly by the Government.

Article 174

To be taken into consideration, the bill or the proposal of revision must be voted by a majority of three-fourths (3/4) of the members composing the National Assembly.

If the bill or the proposal in question was approved by a majority of four-fifths (4/5) of the members of the National Assembly, the revision is adopted [acquise]. In default, the bill or the proposal is submitted to referendum unless [there is] abandonment of the said bill or proposal.

Article 175

No procedure of revision may be engaged or followed when the integrity of the territory is infringed.

The republican form of the State, the multiparty [system], the principle of the separation of State and religion and the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 47 and of Article 185 of this Constitution may not be made the object of any revision.

No procedure of revision of this Article is receivable.