
Oman 1996 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents

CHAPTER SEVEN. General Provisions

Article 72

The application of this Basic Statute shall not prejudice treaties and agreements the Sultanate has entered into with other countries, international institutions and organisations.

Article 73

No provision of this Basic Statute shall be suspended except during periods of martial law and within the limits prescribed by the Law.

Article 74

The Laws shall be published in the Official Gazette within two weeks from the day of their issuance. They shall come into force on the date of their publication, unless another date is stated therein.

Article 75

The provisions of the Laws shall only apply to events occurring from the date of the Laws coming into force. They shall have no effect on events prior to that date unless, otherwise stipulated therein. This exception shall not include penal, taxation and financial dues laws.

Article 76

Treaties and agreements shall not have the force of Law except after their ratification. In no case shall treaties and agreements have secret terms contradicting their declared ones.

Article 77

Whatever is stipulated by applicable laws, regulations, decrees, orders and decisions in force at the time when this Basic Statute comes into effect, shall remain in force provided that they are not in conflict with any of its provisions.

Article 78

The competent authorities shall take steps for issuance of laws necessitated by this Basic Statute within two years from the date of its coming into force.

Article 79

Laws and procedures which have the force of law shall conform to the provisions of the Basic Statute of the State.

Article 80

No authority in the State shall issue regulations, by-laws, decisions, or directives that contradict the provisions of the Laws and decrees in force, or international treaties and agreements which are part of the Law of the Country.

Article 81

This Statute shall not be amended except in the manner in which it was promulgated.