
Palestine 2003 Constitution (reviewed 2005)

Table of Contents

Title Two. Public Rights and Liberties

Article 9

Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction based upon race, sex, color, religion, political views or disability.

Article 10

  1. Basic human rights and liberties shall be protected and respected.
  2. The Palestinian National Authority shall work without delay to become a party to regional and international declarations and covenants that protect human rights.

Article 11

  1. Personal freedom is a natural right, shall be guaranteed and may not be violated.
  2. It is unlawful to arrest, search, imprison, restrict the freedom, or prevent the movement of any person, except by judicial order in accordance with the provisions of the law. The law shall specify the period of prearrest detention. Imprisonment or detention shall only be permitted in places that are subject to laws related to the organization of prisons.

Article 12

Every arrested or detained person shall be informed of the reason for their arrest or detention. They shall be promptly informed, in a language they understand, of the nature of the charges brought against them. They shall have the right to contact a lawyer and to be tried before a court without delay.

Article 13

  1. No person shall be subject to any duress or torture. Indictees and all persons deprived of their freedom shall receive proper treatment.
  2. All statements or confessions obtained through violation of the provisions contained in paragraph 1 of this article shall be considered null and void.

Article 14

An accused person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law that guarantees the accused the right to a defense. Any person accused in a criminal case shall be represented by a lawyer.

Article 15

Punishment shall be personal. Collective punishment is prohibited. Crime and punishment shall only be determined by the law. Punishment shall be imposed only by judicial order and shall apply only to actions committed after the entry into force of the law.

Article 16

It is unlawful to conduct any medical or scientific experiment on any person without prior legal consent. No person shall be subject to medical examination, treatment or surgery, except in accordance with the law.

Transplantation of human organs and new scientific developments shall be regulated by the law in order to serve legitimate humanitarian purposes.

Article 17

Homes shall be inviolable; they may not be subject to surveillance, broken into or searched, except in accordance with a valid judicial order and in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Any consequences resulting from violations of this article shall be considered invalid. Individuals who suffer from such violation shall be entitled to a fair remedy, guaranteed by the Palestinian National Authority.

Article 18

Freedom of belief, worship and the performance of religious functions are guaranteed, provided public order or public morals are not violated.

Article 19

Freedom of opinion may not be prejudiced. Every person shall have the right to express his opinion and to circulate it orally, in writing or in any form of expression or art, with due consideration to the provisions of the law.

Article 20

Freedom of residence and movement shall be guaranteed within the limits of the law.

Article 21

  1. The economic system in Palestine shall be based on the principles of a free market economy. The executive branch may establish public companies that shall be regulated by a law.
  2. Freedom of economic activity is guaranteed. The law shall define the rules governing its supervision and their limits.
  3. Private property, both real estate and movable assets, shall be protected and may not be expropriated except in the public interest and for fair compensation in accordance with the law or pursuant to a judicial ruling.
  4. Confiscation shall be in accordance with a judicial ruling.

Article 22

  1. Social, health, disability and retirement insurance shall be regulated by law.
  2. Maintaining the welfare of families of martyrs, prisoners of war, the injured and the disabled is a duty that shall be regulated by law. The National Authority shall guarantee these persons education, health and social insurance.

Article 23

Every citizen shall have the right to proper housing. The Palestinian National Authority shall secure housing for those who are without shelter.

Article 24

  1. Every citizen shall have the right to education. It shall be compulsory until at least the end of the basic level. Education shall be free in public schools and institutions.
  2. The National Authority shall supervise all levels of education and its institutions, and shall strive to upgrade the educational system.
  3. The law shall guarantee the independence of universities, institutes of higher education, and scientific research centers in a manner that guarantees the freedom of scientific research as well as literary, artistic and cultural creativity. The National Authority shall encourage and support such creativity.
  4. Private schools and educational institutions shall comply with the curriculum approved by the National Authority and shall be subject to its supervision.

Article 25

  1. Every citizen shall have the right to work, which is a duty and honor. The Palestinian National Authority shall strive to provide work for any individual capable of performing it.
  2. Work relations shall be organized in a manner that guarantees justice to all and provides workers with welfare, security, and health and social benefits.
  3. Organization of unions is a right that shall be regulated by the law.
  4. The right to conduct a strike shall be exercised within the limits of the law.

Article 26

Palestinians shall have the right to participate in political life, both individually and in groups. They shall have the following rights in particular:

  1. To form, establish and join political parties in accordance with the law.
  2. To form and establish unions, associations, societies, clubs and popular institutions in accordance with the law.
  3. To vote, to nominate candidates and to run as candidates for election, in order to have representatives elected through universal suffrage in accordance with the law.
  4. To hold public office and positions, in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities.
  5. To conduct private meetings without the presence of police members, and to conduct public meetings, gatherings and processions, within the limits of the law.

Article 27

  1. Establishment of newspapers and all media means is a right for all, guaranteed by this Basic Law. Their financing resources shall be subject to the scrutiny of the law.
  2. Freedom of audio, visual, and written media, as well as freedom to print, publish, distribute and transmit, together with the freedom of individuals working in this field, shall be guaranteed by this Basic Law and other related laws.
  3. Censorship of the media shall be prohibited. No warning, suspension, confiscation, cancellation or restriction shall be imposed upon the media except by law, and pursuant to a judicial ruling.

Article 28

No Palestinian may be deported from the homeland, prevented or prohibited from returning to or leaving it, deprived of his citizenship, or handed over to any foreign entity.

Article 29

Maternal and childhood welfare are national duties. Children shall have the right to:

  1. Comprehensive protection and welfare.
  2. Not to be exploited for any purpose whatsoever, and not to be permitted to perform work that might damage their safety, health or education.
  3. Protection from harmful and cruel treatment.
  4. Not to be subjected to beating or cruel treatment by their relatives.
  5. To be segregated – in cases where they are sentenced to a penalty that deprives them of their freedom – from adults, and be treated in a manner that is appropriate to their age and aims at their rehabilitation.

Article 30

  1. Submitting a case to court is a protected and guaranteed right for all people. Each Palestinian shall have the right to seek redress in the judicial system. Litigation procedures shall be organized by law to guarantee prompt settlement of cases.
  2. Laws may not contain any provisions that provide immunity to any administrative decision or action or against judicial review.
  3. Judicial error shall result in a remedy by the National Authority. Conditions and methods of such remedy shall be regulated by law.

Article 31

An independent commission for human rights shall be established pursuant to a law that will specify its formation, duties and jurisdiction. The commission shall submit its reports to the President of the National Authority and to the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Article 32

Any violation of any personal freedom, of the sanctity of the private life of human beings, or of any of the rights or liberties that have been guaranteed by law or by this Basic Law shall be considered a crime. Criminal and civil cases resulting from such violations may not be subject to any statute of limitations. The National Authority shall guarantee a fair remedy to those who suffer from such damage.

Article 33

The enjoyment of a balanced and clean environment is a human right. The preservation and protection of the Palestinian environment from pollution for the sake of present and future generations is a national duty.