
Palestine 2003 Constitution (reviewed 2005)

Table of Contents

Title Three. The President of the Palestinian National Authority

Article 34

The President of the Palestinian National Authority shall be elected in a general and direct election by the Palestinian people, in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.

Article 35

Before assuming office, the President shall take the following oath before the Legislative Council and in the presence of the Speaker of the Palestinian National Council and the President of the High Court:

“I swear by God, the Almighty, to be faithful to the homeland and to its sacred places, to the people and its national heritage, to respect the constitutional system and the law, and to safeguard the interests of the Palestinian people completely, as God is my witness.”

Article 36

The term of the presidency of the National Authority shall be four years. The President shall have the right to nominate himself for a second term of presidency, provided that he shall not occupy the position of the presidency more than two consecutive terms.

Article 37

  1. The office of the President shall be considered vacant in any of the following cases:
    1. Death;
    2. Resignation submitted to the Palestinian Legislative Council, if accepted by two-thirds of its members;
    3. Loss of legal capacity, as per a ruling issued by the High Constitutional Court and subsequently approved by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council.
  2. If the office of the President of the National Authority becomes vacant due to any of the above cases, the Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council shall temporarily assume the powers and duties of the Presidency of the National Authority for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, during which free and direct elections to elect a new President shall take place in accordance with the Palestinian Election Law.

Article 38

The President of the National Authority shall exercise his executive duties as specified in this law.

Article 39

The President of the National Authority is the Commander-in-Chief of the Palestinian Forces.

Article 40

The President of the National Authority shall appoint and terminate the services of the National Authority’s delegates to foreign countries, international organizations and foreign agencies. The President shall accept the credentials of foreign delegates to the Palestinian National Authority.

Article 41

  1. The President of the National Authority shall promulgate the laws voted by the Palestinian Legislative Council within thirty (30) days of their transmittal to him. The President may refer a law back to the Legislative Council with his observations and the reasons of his objection within the same period. Otherwise, the law will be deemed promulgated and will be published in theOfficial Gazette.
  2. If the President of the National Authority returns the proposed law to the Legislative Council in conformity with the time limit and conditions specified in the previous paragraph, the Council shall debate the law again. If the Council passes the law a second time by a majority of two-thirds of its members, the proposed law shall be considered approved and shall be immediately published in theOfficial Gazette.

Article 42

The President of the National Authority has the right to grant special pardons or to commute sentences. However, general amnesties or amnesties for crimes may not be granted except by law.

Article 43

The President of the National Authority shall have the right, in cases of necessity that cannot be delayed, and when the Legislative Council is not in session, to issue decrees that have the power of law. These decrees shall be presented to the Legislative Council in the first session convened after their issuance; otherwise they will cease to have the power of law. If these decrees are presented to the Legislative Council, as mentioned above, but are not approved by the latter, then they shall cease to have the power of law.

Article 44

The President’s salary, allowances and remuneration shall be determined by law.

Article 45

The President of the National Authority shall appoint the Prime Minister and authorize the latter to constitute his government. The President shall have the right to dismiss the Prime Minister or to accept his resignation and to request him to convene the Council of Ministers.

Article 46

The Council of Ministers shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties and exercise of powers, in the manner stipulated in this Basic Law.