
Palestine 2003 Constitution (reviewed 2005)

Table of Contents

Title Six. The Judicial Authority

Article 97

The judicial authority shall be independent and shall be exercised by the courts at different types and levels. The law shall determine the way they are constituted and their jurisdiction. They shall issue their rulings in accordance with the law. Judicial rulings shall be announced and executed in the name of the Palestinian Arab people.

Article 98

Judges shall be independent and shall not be subject to any authority other than the authority of the law while exercising their duties. No other authority may interfere in the judiciary or in judicial affairs.

Article 99

  1. Appointment, transfer, secondment, delegation, promotion and questioning of judges shall be as prescribed in the Judicial Authority Law.
  2. Judges may not be dismissed except in cases that are allowed in the Judicial Authority Law.

Article 100

A High Judicial Council shall be created. The law shall specify the way it is constituted, its responsibilities and its operating rules. The High Judicial Council shall be consulted about draft laws relating to the Judicial Authority, including the Public Prosecution.

Article 101

  1. Matters governed by Shari’a law and matters of personal status, shall come under the jurisdiction of Shari’a and religious courts, in accordance with the law.
  2. Military courts shall be established by special laws. Such courts may not have any jurisdiction beyond military affairs.

Article 102

Administrative courts may be established by law, to consider administrative disputes and disciplinary claims. Any other jurisdiction of such courts, and procedures to be followed before them, shall be specified by the law.

Article 103

  1. A High Constitutional Court shall be established by law to consider:
    1. The constitutionality of laws, regulations, and other enacted rules.
    2. The interpretation of the Basic Law and legislation.
    3. Settlement of jurisdictional disputes which might arise between judicial entities and administrative entities having judicial jurisdiction.
  2. The law shall specify the manner in which the High Constitutional Court is formed and structured, the operating procedures it will follow and the effects resulting from its rulings.

Article 104

The High Court shall temporarily assume all duties assigned to administrative courts and to the High Constitutional Court, unless they fall within the jurisdiction of other judicial entities, in accordance with applicable laws.

Article 105

Court hearings shall be public, unless a court decides to make themin camera due to considerations related to public order or public morals. In all cases, the sentence shall be pronounced in a public hearing.

Article 106

Judicial rulings shall be implemented. Refraining from or obstructing the implementation of a judicial ruling in any manner whatsoever shall be considered a crime carrying a penalty of imprisonment or dismissal from position if the accused individual is a public official or assigned to public service. The aggrieved party may file a case directly to the competent court and the National Authority shall guarantee a fair remedy for him.

The Public Prosecution

Article 107

  1. The Attorney General shall be appointed pursuant to a decision issued by the President of the National Authority, based upon a nomination submitted by the High Judicial Council.
  2. The Attorney General shall handle and assume public cases, in the name of the Palestinian Arab people. The jurisdiction, functions and duties of the Attorney General shall be specified by law.

Article 108

  1. The law shall specify the manner of forming the Public Prosecution service, and its jurisdiction.
  2. The law shall determine the conditions for appointing, transferring and dismissing members of the Public Prosecution service and the rules of their accountability.

Article 109

A death sentence pronounced by any court may not be implemented unless endorsed by the President of the Palestinian National Authority.

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