
Paraguay 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents

Chapter III. Of Nationality and of Citizenship

Article 146. Of Natural Nationality

The following are of natural Paraguayan nationality:

  1. the persons born in the territory of the Republic;
  2. the children of a Paraguayan father or mother who, being one or both at the service of the Republic, are born abroad;
  3. the children of a Paraguayan father or mother born abroad, when they reside permanently in the Republic, and
  4. the children of unknown [ignorados] parents, found in the territory of the Republic.

The formalization of the right consecrated in paragraph 3) will be effected by simple declaration of the interested [person], when they are older than eighteen years of age. If they are not yet [eighteen], the declaration of their legal representative will be valid until such age, remaining subject to ratification by the interested [person].

Article 147. Of the Non-Deprivation of the Natural Nationality

No natural Paraguayan will be deprived of their nationality, but they may voluntarily renounce to it.

Article 148. Of Nationality by Naturalization

Foreigners may obtain Paraguayan nationality through naturalization if they meet the following requirements:

  1. majority of age;
  2. minimum residence of three years in [the] national territory;
  3. regular exercise in the country of any profession, job [oficio], science, art or industry, and
  4. good conduct, defined in the law.

Article 149. Of Multiple Nationality

Multiple nationalities may be admitted through [an] international treaty or through reciprocity of constitutional rank between the States of the natural origin and that of [the] adoption.

Article 150. Of the Loss of Nationality

The naturalized Paraguayan nationals lose nationality by virtue of an unjustified absence [ausencia] from the Republic for more than three years, declared judicially [judicialmente], or by the voluntary acquisition of another nationality.

Article 151. Of Honorary Nationality

The foreigners who have provided [prestado] services to the Republic, by law of the Congress, may be distinguished with honorary nationality.

Article 152. Of Citizenship

[The following] are citizens:

  1. All persons of natural Paraguayan nationality, from eighteen years of age, and
  2. All persons of Paraguayan nationality by naturalization, after two years of having obtained it.

Article 153. Of the Suspension of the Exercise of Citizenship

The exercise of citizenship is suspended:

  1. because of the adoption of another nationality, excepting international reciprocity;
  2. because of [an] incapacity declared in trial, that prevents [a person] from acting [obrar] freely and with discernment, and
  3. when the person is serving a prison sentence, with a penalty that deprivative of liberty.

The suspension of citizenship concludes when the cause that determined it legally ceases.

Article 154. Of the Exclusive Competence of the Judicial Power

The law will establish the norms concerning the acquisition, recovery and options of nationality, as well as concerning the suspension of the citizenship.

The Judicial Power will have exclusive competence to decide [entender] in these cases.