
Paraguay 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents

Title II. Of the Structure and of the Organization of the State

Chapter I. Of the Legislative Power

Section I. Of the General Provisions

Article 182. Of [Its] Composition

The Legislative Power will be exercised by the Congress, composed by one Chamber of Senators and another of Deputies.

The titular and substitute members of both Chambers will be directly elected by the People, in accordance with the law.

The substitute members will substitute the titular members in the case of death, resignation or inability of them, for the rest of the constitutional term or for as long as the inability lasts, if it were temporary. In all the other cases, the regulation of each Chamber will resolve it [resolverá].

Article 183. Of the Meeting in Congress

Only both Chambers, meeting in Congress, will have the following duties and attributions:

  1. to receive the oath or the promise, when assuming the office [cargo], of the President of the Republic, of the Vice President and of the members of the Supreme Court of Justice;
  2. to grant or to deny to the President of the Republic the corresponding permission, in the cases specified by this Constitution;
  3. to authorize the entry of foreign armed forces into the territory of the Republic and the departure abroad of the national [forces], except for the cases of mere courtesy;
  4. to receive the Heads of State or of Government of other countries, and
  5. the other duties and attributions established in this Constitution.

The Presidents of the Chamber of Senators and of the Chamber of Deputies will preside over the meetings of the Congress as President and Vice President, respectively.

Article 184. Of the Sessions

Both Chambers of the Congress will meet annually in ordinary sessions, from the first of July of each year to the next 30 of June with a time period of recess from the twenty-first of December to the first of March, [the] date at which they will rendered their report to the President of the Republic. Both Chambers will be convoked to extraordinary sessions or will extend their sessions by the decision of one-fourth of the members of either of them; by resolution of two- thirds of the members [integrantes] of the Permanent Commission of the Congress, or by decree of the Executive Power. The President of the Congress or that of the Permanent Commission must convoke them in the peremptory time [término] of forty-eight hours.

The extension of the sessions will be effected in the same way.

The extraordinary [sessions] will be convoked to discuss a determined agenda, and will be closed once this [agenda] has been exhausted.

Article 185. Of the Joint Sessions

The [two] Chambers will sit jointly in the cases specified in this Constitution or in the Regulation of the Congress, where the necessary formalities will be established.

The legal quorum will be formed with half plus one of the total of each Chamber. Except for the cases in which this Constitution establishes qualified majorities, the decisions will be taken by [a] simple majority of votes of the members present.

For the votes of the Chambers of the Congress, half plus one of the members present will be understood for simple majority; for majority of two-thirds, the two-thirds parts of the members present; for absolute majority, the legal quorum, and for absolute majority of two-thirds, the two-thirds parts of the total number of members of each Chamber.

The provisions specified in this Article will also be applied to the joint sessions of both Chambers meeting in Congress.

The same regime of quorum and majorities will be applied to any elective collegiate [colegiado] organ specified by this Constitution.

Article 186. Of the Commissions

The [two] Chambers will function in plenary [sessions] and in unicameral or bicameral commissions.

All the commissions will be integrated, as possible, proportionally, in accordance with the blocs [bancadas] represented in the Chambers.

At the beginning of the annual sessions of the legislature, each Chamber will designate the advisory permanent commissions. These may request reports or opinions from persons and public or private entities, in order to produce their resolutions [dictámenes] or to facilitate the exercise of the other faculties that correspond to the Congress.

Article 187. Of the Election and of the Duration

The titular and substitute Senators and Deputies will be elected in elections simultaneously with the presidential [elections].

The legislators will remain five years in their mandate, from the first of July and they may be reelected.

The definitive or temporary vacancies of the Chamber of Deputies will be filled by the substitutes elected for the same department, and those of the Chamber of Senators will be filled by the substitutes of the list proclaimed by the Electoral Justice.

Article 188. Of the Swearing or Promise

In the act of their incorporation to the Chambers, the Senators and Deputies will take an oath or a promise to perform themselves duly in their office and to act in accordance with what this Constitution prescribes.

None of the Chambers may sit, deliberate or adopt decisions without the presence of the absolute majority. A lesser number may, nevertheless, compel the absent members to attend the sessions under the terms established by each Chamber.

Article 189. Of Life Senators [Senadurías]

The former Presidents of the Republic, democratically elected, will be Senators for life of the Nation, unless they were submitted to political trial and found guilty. They will not integrate the quorum. They will have voice but not vote.

Article 190. Of the Regulations

Each Chamber will write its regulations. With a majority of two-thirds it may admonish or warn any of its members, for misconduct in exercising their functions, and suspend them up to sixty days without compensation [dieta]. By an absolute majority it may remove [a member] for mental or physical incapacity, declared by the Supreme Court of Justice. In the cases of resignation, it will be decided by a simple majority of votes.

Article 191. Of the Immunities

No member of the Congress may be accused judicially [judicialmente] for the opinions emitted by him in the performance of his functions. No Senator or Deputy may be detained from the day of their election until the ceasing of their functions, unless they are caught in flagrante delicto that deserves physical penalty. In this case, the authority intervening will place them under house arrest, it will immediately inform the respective Chamber and the competent judge of the fact, to whom it will remit the prior record [antecedentes] as soon as possible.

When a cause is formed against a Senator or a Deputy before the ordinary tribunals, the judge will communicate it, with a copy of the prior record [antecedentes], to the respective Chamber, which will examine the merit of the sumario [statement of facts], and by a majority of two-thirds will decide if there should be loss of privilege [desafuero] or not [ha lugar o no], [in order for him] to be submitted to [a] process. In the affirmative case, it will suspend him from his privileges [fueros].

Article 192. Of the Request of Reports

The [two] Chamber may request from the other powers of the State, from the autonomous, autarchic and decentralized entities [entes], and from the public functionaries, the reports on matters of public interest that they consider necessary, with the exception of the jurisdictional activity.

The affected [parties] are obligated to respond to the requisition for reports within the assigned time period, which may not be less than fifteen days.

Article 193. Of the Summoning and of Interpellation

Each Chamber, by an absolute majority, may summon and interpellate individually the Ministers and other high functionaries of the Public Administration, as well as the directors and administrators of the autonomous, autarchic, and decentralized entities, those of the entities that administer funds of the State and those of the enterprises with a major participation of the State, when they are discussing a law or studying a matter concerning their respective activities. The questions must be conveyed to the summoned [person] with at least five days of advance. Excepting just cause, it will be obligatory for the summoned [person] to attend to the requirements, to answer the questions and to provide all the information asked of them.

The law will determine the participation of the majority and of the minority in the formulation of the questions. The President of the Republic, the Vice President and the members of the Judicial Power, in jurisdictional matters, may not be summoned or interpellated.

Article 194. Of the Vote of Censure

If the summoned [person] does not attend the respective Chamber, or if it considers his declarations unsatisfactory, both Chambers, by an absolute majority of two-thirds, may emit a vote of censure against him and recommend his removal from the office to the President of the Republic or to his hierarchic superior.

If the motion of censure is not approved, no other motion on the same theme regarding the same summoned Minister or functionary may be presented, in that period of sessions.

Article 195. Of the Commissions of Investigation

Both Chambers of the Congress may constitute joint commissions of investigation on any matter of public interest, as well as on the conduct of their members.

The directors and administrators of the autonomous, autarchic and decentralized entities [entes], those of the entities that administrate funds of the State, those of the enterprises with a major participation of the State, the public functionaries and the individuals [particulares] are obligated to appear before the two Chambers and to supply to them the information and the documentations required from them. The law will establish the sanctions for the non-fulfillment of this obligation.

The President of the Republic, the Vice President, the Ministers of the Executive Power and the judicial Magistrates, in jurisdictional matters, may not be investigated.

The activity of the investigating commissions will not affect the privative attributions of the Judicial Power, nor infringe [lesionar] the rights and guarantees consecrated in this Constitution; their conclusions will not be binding on the tribunals nor may they undermine the judicial resolutions, without prejudice to the result of the investigation, which will be communicated to the ordinary justice.

The judges will order, in accordance with the law, the proceedings [diligencias] and proofs required, for the purposes of the investigation.

Article 196. Of the Incompatibilities

The advisers of public offices [reparticiones], the functionaries and other employees with a salary from the State or from the municipalities, whatever may be the denomination with which they appear [figuran] and the concept of their remunerations, as long as the designation to such offices subsist[,] may be elected, but may not perform legislative functions.

The partial exercise of teaching and that of the scientific research are exempted from the incompatibilities established in this Article.

No Senator or Deputy may be a party in enterprises exploiting public services or having concessions from the State, nor exercise juridical assistance or the representation of such, personally [por sí] or by an intermediate person.

Article 197. Of the Inabilities

[The following] may not be candidates for Senators or Deputies:

  1. those condemned by a executory [firme] sentence to penalties deprivative of freedom, as long as the sentence lasts;
  2. those condemned to a penalty of inability for the exercise of the public function, as long as such lasts;
  3. those condemned for the commission of electoral crimes, for as long as the sentence lasts;
  4. the judicial Magistrates, the representatives of the Public Ministry, the Procurator General of the State, the Public Defender, the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Sub-Comptroller, and the members of the Electoral Justice;
  5. the ministers or clergymen of any faith;
  6. the representatives or mandatories [mandatarios] of national or foreign enterprises, corporations or entities [entidades], which are concessionaires of services for the State, or executors of works [obras] or suppliers of goods for the State;
  7. the military and police personnel on active service;
  8. the candidates for President of the Republic or for Vice President; and
  9. the owners or co-owners of the media of communication;

The citizens affected by the inabilities specified in paragraphs 4), 5), 6), and 7) must cease in their inability to be candidates ninety days, at least, before the date of registration of their lists at the Superior Tribunal of Electoral Justice.

Article 198. Of the Relative Inability

The Ministers of the Executive Power; the Sub-Secretaries of State; the Presidents of Councils or general administrators of the decentralized, autonomous, autarchic, bi-national or multinational entities [entes], those of enterprises with a major participation of the State, and the governors and mayors, if they do not resign from their respective offices and [their resignations] are accepted at least ninety days before the date of the elections[,] may not be elected Senators or Deputies.

Article 199. Of the Permissions

The Senators and Deputies may only accept responsibilities [cargos] of Minister or of diplomat. To perform them, they must request permission from the respective Chamber, to which they can be reinstated at the end of those functions.

Article 200. Of the Election of Authorities

Each Chamber will constitute their authorities and designate their employees.

Article 201. Of the Loss of Investiture [Investidura]

The Senators and Deputies may lose their investiture, in addition to the cases already specified, for the following causes:

  1. the violation of the regime of inabilities and incompatibilities specified in this Constitution, and
  2. the improper use of influence, [as a] proven fact [fehaciente comprobado].

The Senators and Deputies may not be subject to imperative mandates.

Article 202. Of the Duties and of the Attributions

[The following] are duties and attributions of the Congress:

  1. to see to the observance of this Constitution and of the laws;
  2. to dictate the codes and other laws, to modify them or repeal them, by interpreting this Constitution;
  3. to establish the political division of the territory of the Republic, as well as the regional, departmental and municipal organizations;
  4. to legislate on tax matters;
  5. to sanction annually the law of the General Budget of the Nation;
  6. to dictate the electoral law;
  7. to determine the legal regime of the sale and that of the acquisition of the fiscal, departmental and municipal assets;
  8. to issue internal resolutions and agreements, as well as to formulate declarations, in accordance with their faculties;
  9. to approve or to reject the treaties and other international agreements signed by the Executive Power;
  10. to approve or to reject the contracting of loans;
  11. to authorize, for a determined time, concessions for the exploitation of national or multinational public services or of the assets of the State, as well as for the extraction and transformation of solid, liquid and gaseous minerals;
  12. to dictate laws for the organization of the administration of the Republic, for the creation of decentralized entities [entes] and for the ordering [ordenamiento] of the public credit;
  13. to issue laws of emergency in the case of disaster or of public calamity;
  14. to receive the constitutional oath or promise of the President of the Republic, of the Vice President and of the other functionaries, in accordance with that established in this Constitution;
  15. to receive from the President of the Republic, a report on the general situation of the country, on his administration and on the plans of government; in the form provided for in this Constitution;
  16. To accept or to reject the resignation of the President of the Republic and that of the Vice President;
  17. to provide [prestar] the agreements and to effect the appointments that this Constitution prescribes, as well as the designations of representatives of the Congress to other organs of the State;
  18. to grant amnesties;
  19. to decide on the transfer of the Capital of the Republic to another point of the national territory, by an absolute majority of two-thirds of the members of each Chamber;
  20. to approve or reject, totally or partially and [with] prior report from the Comptroller General of the Republic, the detail and the justification of the income and expenses of the public finances concerning the budgetary execution;
  21. to regulate river, maritime, air, and space navigation, and
  22. the other duties and attributions specified by this Constitution.

Section II. Of the Formation and the Sanction of the Laws

Article 203. Of the Origin and of the Initiative

The laws may have origin in any of the [two] Chambers of the Congress, by a proposal from their members; by a proposal from the Executive Power; by popular initiative or by that of the Supreme Court of Justice, in the cases and in the conditions specified in this Constitution and in the law.

The exceptions concerning the origin of the laws in favor of one or the other Chamber or of the Executive Power are, exclusively, those established expressly in this Constitution.

Every bill of law will be presented with an exposition of motives.

Article 204. Of the Approval and of the Promulgation of the Bills

A bill of law approved by the Chamber of origin, will immediately be passed on to the other Chamber for its consideration. If this [Chamber], in its turn, approves it also, the bill will be sanctioned and, if the Executive Power provides [prestara] its approval to it, it will promulgate it as law and will provide for its publication within five days.

Article 205. Of the Automatic Promulgation

Any bill of law that is not objected to or returned to the Chamber of origin in the time period of six working days, if the bill contains up to ten Articles, or twelve working days, if the bill contains from twelve to twenty Articles, and of twenty working days if the Articles are more than twenty[,] is considered approved by the Executive Power. In all these cases, the bill will be automatically promulgated and its publication will be provided for.

Article 206. Of the Procedure for the Total Rejection

When a bill of law, approved by one of the Chambers, is completely rejected by the other, it will return to that [Chamber] for a new consideration. When the Chamber of origin ratifies itself by absolute majority, it will pass again to the reviewing [Chamber], which can only reject it again by absolute majority of two-thirds and, if it is not obtained, the bill will be considered [reputará] sanctioned.

Article 207. Of the Procedure for Partial Modification

A bill of law approved by the Chamber of origin, that has been partially modified by the other, will pass on to the first [Chamber], where only each one of the modifications made by the reviewing [Chamber] will be discussed.

For these cases the following is established:

  1. if all the modifications are accepted, the bill will be sanctioned.
  2. If all the modifications were rejected by absolute majority, they will pass again to the reviewing Chamber and, if this [Chamber] ratifies itself in its previous sanction by absolute majority, the bill will be sanctioned; if there were no ratification, the bill approved by the Chamber of origin will be sanctioned, and,
  3. if some of the modifications were accepted and others were rejected, the bill will pass again to the reviewing Chamber, where only the rejected modifications will be discussed in a global form, and if they were accepted by absolute majority, or rejected, the bill will be sanctioned in the form resolved by it.

The bill of law sanctioned, with any of the alternatives specified in this Article, will be passed on to the Executive Power for its promulgation.

Article 208. Of the Partial Objection

A bill of law, partially objected to by the Executive Power, will be returned to the Chamber of origin for it to study and pronounce on the objections. If this Chamber rejects them by absolute majority, the bill will pass on to the reviewing Chamber, where it will follow the same process [trámite]. If this [Chamber] also rejects those objections by the same majority, the original [primitiva] sanction will be confirmed, and the Executive Power will promulgate and publish it. If the [two] Chambers desist on the objections, the bill may not be repeated in the sessions of that year.

The objections may be totally or partially accepted or rejected by both Chambers of the Congress. If the objections were totally or partially accepted, both Chambers may decide, by absolute majority, [on] the sanction of the non- objected part of the bill of law, in which case, this [part] must be promulgated and published by the Executive Power.

The objections will be treated by the Chamber of origin within the sixty days of its reception [ingreso] at the same, and in identical case [plazo] by the reviewing Chamber.

Article 209. Of the Total Objection

If a bill of law is totally rejected by the Executive Power, it will return to the Chamber of origin, which will discuss it again. If this [Chamber] confirms the initial sanction by absolute majority, it will pass on to the reviewing Chamber; if this [Chamber] approves it by the same majority, the Executive Power will promulgate and publish it. If the [two] Chambers desist on the total rejection, that bill may not be repeated in the sessions of that year.

Article 210. Of the Treatment of Urgency

The Executive Power may request the urgent treatment of bills of law that it sends to Congress. In these cases, the bill will be treated by the Chamber of origin within the thirty days of its reception, and by the reviewing one in the thirty next days. The bill will be considered approved if it is not rejected within the specified time periods.

The treatment of urgency may be requested by the Executive Power even after the remission of the draft, or in any stage of its process [trámite]. In those cases, the time period will start running from the reception of the request.

Each Chamber, by a two-thirds majority, may rescind [dejar sin efecto], at any moment, the process of urgency, in which case the ordinary one will be applied from that moment.

The Executive Power, within the ordinary legislative period, may request the Congress for urgent treatment of only three draft of law, unless the Chamber of origin, by a two-thirds majority, agrees to give such treatment to other bills.

Article 211. Of the Automatic Sanction

A bill of law presented in one Chamber or the other, and approved by the Chamber of origin during the ordinary sessions, will pass on to the reviewing Chamber, which must deal with it within the non-extendable term of three months. At the end of which, and after written communication from the President of the Chamber of origin to the reviewing Chamber, it will be considered [reputará] that this [Chamber] has provided [prestado] its favorable vote to it, passing it on to the Executive Power for its promulgation and publication. The indicated term will be interrupted from the twenty-first of December until the first of March. The reviewing Chamber may deal with the bill of law during the next period of ordinary sessions, as long as it does so within the remaining time for the expiration of the non-extendable time period of three months.

Article 212. Of the Withdrawal or of the Renouncement [Desistimiento]

The Executive Power may withdraw from the Congress the bills of law that it had sent, or renounce them, unless they were approved by the Chamber of origin.

Article 213. Of Publication

The law only obligates by virtue of its promulgation and its publication. If the Executive Power does not fulfill the duty of publishing the laws in the terms and in the conditions that this Constitution establishes, the President of the Congress, by default, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, will provide for its publication.

Article 214. Of the Formulas

The formula to be used in the sanction of the laws is: “The Congress of the Paraguayan Nation sanctions with [the] force of law.” For the promulgation of the same, the formula is: “To be regarded [Téngase] as law of the Republic, to be published [publíquese] and to be inserted [insértese] in the Registro Oficial [Official Gazette].”

Article 215. Of the Delegated Commission

Each Chamber, with the vote of the absolute majority, may delegate to commissions the treatment of bills of laws, of resolutions and of declarations. By a simple majority, it may withdraw them in any state prior to the approval, rejection or sanction by the commission.

The General Budget of the Nation, the codes, the international treaties, the bills of laws of taxes or military character, the ones concerning the organization of the powers of the State and those originating from the popular initiative[,] may not be the object of delegation.

Article 216. Of the General Budget of the Nation

The Executive Power will annually present the bill of law of the General Budget of the Nation, no later than the first of September, and its consideration by the Congress will have an absolute priority.

A bicameral commission will be integrated which, [once] the bill is received, will study it and present [a] resolution [dictamen] to its respective Chambers in a time period no greater than sixty consecutive days. [Once] the resolution is received, the Chamber of Deputies will address itself to the study of the bill in plenary sessions, and it must deal with it in a time period no greater than fifteen consecutive days. The Chamber of Senators will have at its disposal the equal time period to study the bill, with the modifications introduced by the Chamber of Deputies, and, if it approves them, the same will be sanctioned. In the opposite case, the bill will return with the objections to the other Chamber, which will decide [se expedirá] within the time period of ten consecutive days, exclusively on the points of discrepancy with the Senate, proceeding in the form specified in Article 208, paragraphs 1), 2), and 3), always within the time period of ten consecutive days.

All the time periods established in this Article are peremptory, and the failure [falta] to deal with of any of the bills will be understood as approval. The Chambers may totally reject the bill presented for their study by the Executive Power, only by absolute majority of the two-thirds of each one of them.

Article 217. Of the Enforcement of the Budget

If the Executive Power, for any reason, does not present to the Legislative Power the draft of the General Budget of the Nation within the established time periods, or if the same was rejected in accordance with the previous Article, the Budget of the current fiscal exercise continues to be in force.

Section III. Of the Permanent Commission of the Congress

Article 218. Of the Conformation

Fifteen days before entering into recess, each Chamber will designate by an absolute majority the Senators and the Deputies who, in the number of six and twelve as titular [members] and three and six as substitutes, respectively, will conform the Permanent Commission of the Congress, which will exercise its functions from the beginning of the recess period of the Congress until the resumption of the ordinary sessions.

The titular [members] of the Permanent Commission so meeting, will designate [a] President and other authorities, and written notice of that will be given to the other powers of the State.

Article 219. Of the Duties and of the Attributions

[The following] are duties and attributions of the Permanent Commission of the Congress:

  1. to see to the observance of this Constitution and of the laws:
  2. to dictate its own regulations;
  3. to convoke the [two] Chambers to preparatory sessions, with the object of effecting in opportune time the annual opening of the Congress;
  4. to convoke and to organize the extraordinary sessions of both Chambers, in accordance with that established in this Constitution;
  5. to authorize the President of the Republic, during the recess of the Congress, to temporarily absent himself from the national territory, in the cases specified in this Constitution, and
  6. the other duties and attributions established by this Constitution.

Article 220. Of the Final Reports

The Permanent Commission, at the end of its activity [actuación], will provide [prestará] each Chamber a final report of the same, and will be responsible before them for the measures it may have adopted or authorized.

Section IV. Of the Chamber of Deputies

Article 221. Of the Composition

The Chamber of Deputies is the Chamber of departmental representation. It will be composed of eighty titular [members] at a minimum, and of an equal number of substitutes, elected directly by the People in departmental electoral colleges [colegios]. The City of Asunción will constitute an electoral college [colegio] with representation in this Chamber. The departments will be represented by at least one titular Deputy and one substitute; the Superior Tribunal of Electoral Justice, before each election and in accordance with the number of electors in each department, will establish the number of seats [bancas] that corresponds to each one of them. The law may increase the quantity of Deputies accordingly to the increment of the electors.

The natural Paraguayan nationality and to be already twenty-five years old are required to be elected Deputy[,] titular or substitute[,].

Article 222. Of the Exclusive Attributions of the Chamber of Deputies

[The following] are exclusive attributions of the Chamber of Deputies:

  1. to initiate the consideration of the bills of law relative to the departmental and municipal legislation;
  2. to designate or to propose the magistrates and functionaries, in accordance with that established by this Constitution and the law;
  3. to provide [prestar] [an] agreement for the intervention in the departmental and municipal governments, and
  4. the other exclusive attributions established by this Constitution.

Section V. Of the Chamber of Senators

Article 223. Of Its Composition

The Chamber of Senators will be composed of forty-five titular [members] at minimum, and of thirty substitutes, elected directly by the People in one sole national circumscription. The law may increase the quantity of Senators, accordingly to the increment of the electors.

The natural Paraguayan nationality and to be already thirty-five years old are required to be elected Senator[,] titular or substitute.

Article 224. Of the Exclusive Attributions of the Chamber of Senators

[The following] are exclusive attributions of the Chamber of Senators:

  1. to initiate the consideration of the bills of law relative to the approval of international treaties and agreements;
  2. to provide [prestar] [an] agreement for the promotions [ascensos] of the military and the National Police [personnel], from the rank of Colonel of the Army or its equivalent in the other armies [armas] and services, and from that of Head Commissioner [Comisario Principal] for the National Police;
  3. to provide [prestar] [an] agreement for the designation of the Ambassadors plenipotentiary and Ministers abroad;
  4. to designate or to propose the Magistrates and functionaries in accordance with that established by this Constitution;
  5. to authorize sending the permanent military Paraguayan forces abroad, as well as the entry of foreign military troops into the country;
  6. to provide [prestar] [an] agreement for the designation of the President and the directors of the Central Bank of the State;
  7. to provide [prestar] [an] agreement for the designations of the Paraguayan directors of the bi-national entities [entes], and
  8. the other exclusive attributions established by this Constitution.

Section VI. Of the Political Trial [Juicio Político]

Article 225. Of the Procedure

The President of the Republic, the Vice President, the Ministers of the Executive Power, the Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Attorney General of the State, the Defender of the People, the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Sub-Comptroller and the members of the Superior Tribunal of Electoral Justice, may only be submitted to political trial for malfeasance [mal desempeño] of their functions, for crimes committed in the exercise of their offices or for common crimes.

The accusation will be formulated by the Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of two-thirds. It will correspond to the Chamber of Senators, by absolute majority of two-thirds, to judge in public trial those accused by the Chamber of Deputies and, in such case, to declare them guilty, for the sole purpose of removing them from their offices. In the cases of supposed commission [comisión] of crimes, the prior records [antecedentes] will be passed on to the ordinary justice.