
Paraguay 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents

Chapter VI. Of Health

Article 68. Of the Right to Health

The State will protect and promote health as a fundamental right of the person and in the interest of the community.

No one may be deprived of public assistance to prevent or treat diseases, pests or plagues, or of aid [socorro] in the cases of catastrophe or accidents.

All persons are obligated to submit themselves to the health [sanitarias] measures that the law established, within the respect for the human dignity.

Article 69. Of the National System of Health

A national system of health that executes integrated sanitary actions with policies that make possible [posibilitar] to concur, to coordinate and to complement programs and resources from the private and public sectors shall be promoted.

Article 70. Of a the Social Welfare Regime

The law will establish programs of social welfare through strategies based on health education and on community participation [participación comunitaria].

Article 71. Of the Drug Trade, of Drug Addiction and of Rehabilitation

The State will repress the production and the illegal trafficking of narcotic substances and other dangerous drugs, as well as the act destined to legitimate the money from [proveniente] such activities. Equally, it will also combat the illegal consumption of those drugs. The law will regulate the production and the medical use of the same.

Preventive education programs and [programs] of rehabilitation of the addicts will be established, with the participation of private organizations.

Article 72. Of the Control of Quality

The State will see to the control of the quality of the food [alimenticios], chemical, pharmaceutical, and biological products, throughout the stages of production, import, and commercialization.

Likewise it will facilitate the access of sectors with scarce resources [escasos recursos] to the medicines considered essential.