
Paraguay 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents

Chapter VII. Of Education and of Culture

Article 73. Of the Right to Education and of Its Goals [Fines]

All persons have [the] right to [a] complete [integral] and permanent education, which[,] as a system and [a] process[,] is accomplished within the context of the culture of the community. Its goals [fines] are the full development of the human personality and the promotion of freedom and peace, social justice, solidarity, cooperation and the integration of the peoples; the respect for human rights and the democratic principles; the affirmation of the commitment to the Fatherland [Patria], to the cultural identity and the intellectual, moral, and civic training, as well as the elimination of the educational contents of a discriminatory character.

The eradication of illiteracy and the preparation [capacitación] for work are permanent objectives of the educational system.

Article 74. Of the Right to Learn and of the Freedom to Teach

The right to learn and to equal opportunities to access the benefits of the humanistic culture, of science, and of technology, without any discrimination, is guaranteed.

The freedom to teach, without any requirement other than suitability [idoneidad] and ethical integrity, as well as the right to a religious education and to ideological pluralism are also guaranteed.

Article 75. Of Educational Responsibility

Education is [a] responsibility of the society and falls particularly to the family, the Municipality, and the State.

The State will promote programs of supplemental nutrition [complemento nutricional] complement and provide [suministro] school supplies to the students of scarce resources.

Article 76. Of the Obligations of the State

Elementary [básica] school education is obligatory. In the public schools it will have a gratuitous character. The State shall promote middle, technical, agricultural, industrial, and superior or university teaching, as well as scientific and technological research.

The organization of the educational system is an essential responsibility of the State, with the participation of the different educational communities. This system will include the public and private sectors, as well as the school and extracurricular areas [ámbito].

Article 77. Of Teaching in the Native [Materna] Language

Teaching at the beginnings of the school process will be realized in the official native language of the student. They will also be instructed in the knowledge and the use of both official languages of the Republic.

In the case of the ethnic minorities, whose native language is not Guarani, it will be possible to choose either of the two official languages.

Article 78. Of the Technical Education

The State shall promote preparation for work through technical education, in order to form the human resources required for the national development.

Article 79. Of the Universities and Superior Institutes

The principal objective [finalidad] of the universities and superior institutes will be superior professional training, scientific and technological research, as well as university extension [extensión universitaria].

The universities are autonomous. They will establish their statutes and forms of government and they will elaborate their study plans in accordance with the national educational policy and the national development plans.

The freedom of teaching and that of chaired professorship [cátedra] is guaranteed. The universities, whether public or private, will be created by the law, which will determine which professions need university degrees [títulos] for their exercise.

Article 80. Of the Funds for Scholarship and Aids

The law will provided for the constitution of funds for scholarships and other aids, with the objective of facilitating intellectual, scientific, technical or artistic training of persons, preferentially of those lacking resources.

Article 81. Of the Cultural Patrimony

The necessary means for the conservation, the rescue and the restoration of objects, documents and spaces of a historical, archaeological, paleontological, artistic or scientific value, as well as their respective physical surroundings, which are part of the cultural patrimony of the Nation[,] will be arbitrated.

The State will define and register those that are found in the country and, the case arising, it will administrate [gestionará] the recovery of those that are found abroad. The competent organs will be responsible for the safeguarding and for the rescue [rescata] of the various expressions of the oral culture and of the collective memory of the Nation, in cooperation with any person [particulares] following the same objective. The inappropriate use [uso] and the unnatural employment [empleo] of such assets, their destruction, their fraudulent [dolosa] alteration, the removal from their original places and their sale [enajenación] with export goals [fines] are prohibited.

Article 82. Of the Recognition of the Catholic Church

The predominant role [protagonismo] of the Catholic Church in the historical and cultural formation of the Nation is recognized.

Article 83. Of Cultural Diffusion and Exemption from Taxes

The objects, the publications and the activities that have a significant value for the cultural diffusion and for education, will not be imposed [no se gravarán] with municipal or fiscal taxes. The law will regulate these exemptions and will establish a regime of stimulus for the introduction and incorporation into the country of the necessary elements for the exercise of the arts and scientific and technological research, and as well as for their diffusion in the country and abroad.

Article 84. Of the Promotion of Sports

The State shall promote sports, especially those of a non-professional character, that stimulate physical education, providing economic support and tax exemptions to be established by the law. Equally, it shall stimulate the national participation in international competitions.

Article 85. Of the Minimum Budget

The resources destined to education in the General Budget of the Nation will not be lower than 20 percent of the total assigned to the Central Administration, loans and donations excluded.

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