
Poland 1997 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents


Article 87

  1. The sources of universally binding law of the Republic of Poland shall be: the Constitution, statutes, ratified international agreements, and regulations.
  2. Enactments of local law issued by the operation of organs shall be a source of universally binding law of the Republic of Poland in the territory of the organ issuing such enactments.

Article 88

  1. The condition precedent for the coming into force of statutes, regulations and enactments of local law shall be the promulgation thereof.
  2. The principles of and procedures for promulgation of normative acts shall be specified by statute.
  3. International agreements ratified with prior consent granted by statute shall be promulgated in accordance with the procedures required for statutes. The principles of promulgation of other international agreements shall be specified by statute.

Article 89

  1. Ratification of an international agreement by the Republic of Poland, as well as denunciation thereof, shall require prior consent granted by statute – if such agreement concerns:
    1. peace, alliances, political or military treaties;
    2. freedoms, rights or obligations of citizens, as specified in the Constitution;
    3. the Republic of Poland’s membership in an international organization;
    4. considerable financial responsibilities imposed on the State;
    5. matters regulated by statute or those in respect of which the Constitution requires the form of a statute.
  2. The President of the Council of Ministers (the Prime Minister) shall inform the Sejm of any intention to submit, for ratification by the President of the Republic, any international agreements whose ratification does not require consent granted by statute.
  3. The principles of and procedures for the conclusion and renunciation of international agreements shall be specified by statute.

Article 90

  1. The Republic of Poland may, by virtue of international agreements, delegate to an international organization or international institution the competence of organs of State authority in relation to certain matters.
  2. A statute, granting consent for ratification of an international agreement referred to in para. 1, shall be passed by the Sejm by a two-thirds majority vote in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies, and by the Senate by a two-thirds majority vote in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Senators.
  3. Granting of consent for ratification of such agreement may also be passed by a nationwide referendum in accordance with the provisions of Article 125.
  4. Any resolution in respect of the choice of procedure for granting consent to ratification shall be taken by the Sejm by an absolute majority vote taken in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies.

Article 91

  1. After promulgation thereof in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland (Dziennik Ustaw), a ratified international agreement shall constitute part of the domestic legal order and shall be applied directly, unless its application depends on the enactment of a statute.
  2. An international agreement ratified upon prior consent granted by statute shall have precedence over statutes if such an agreement cannot be reconciled with the provisions of such statutes.
  3. If an agreement, ratified by the Republic of Poland, establishing an international organization so provides, the laws established by it shall be applied directly and have precedence in the event of a conflict of laws.

Article 92

  1. Regulations shall be issued on the basis of specific authorization contained in, and for the purpose of implementation of, statutes by the organs specified in the Constitution. The authorization shall specify the organ appropriate to issue a regulation and the scope of matters to be regulated as well as guidelines concerning the provisions of such act.
  2. An organ authorized to issue a regulation shall not delegate its competence, referred to in para. 1 above, to another organ.

Article 93

  1. Resolutions of the Council of Ministers and orders of the Prime Minister shall be of an internal character and shall bind only those organizational units subordinate to the organ which issues such act.
  2. Orders shall only be issued on the basis of statute. They shall not serve as the basis for decisions taken in respect of citizens, legal persons and other subjects.
  3. Resolutions and orders shall be subject to scrutiny regarding their compliance with universally binding law.

Article 94

On the basis of and within limits specified by statute, organs of local self-government and territorial organs of government administration shall enact local legal enactments applicable to their territorially defined areas of operation. The principles of and procedures for enacting local legal enactments shall be specified by statute.