
Qatar 2003 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 34

Citizens are equal in public rights and duties.

Article 35

People are equal before the law. There shall be no discrimination against them because of sex, race, language, or religion.

Article 36

Personal freedom is inviolable. No one can be arrested, or jailed, or searched, or having his residence confined, or having his freedom of residence or mobility restricted, except according to the provisions of the law.

No one shall be subjected to torture or humiliating treatment. Torture is a crime punishable by law.

Article 37

Human privacy is inviolable. No person can be subjected to any interference in his private matters, or his family’s affairs, or his residence, or his correspondence, or any acts of interference affecting his honor or reputation, except according to the provisions of law, and in the manner stipulated therein.

Article 38

No citizen may be deported from the Country, nor be banned from returning to it.

Article 39

The accused is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, where the due processes of the law are provided and secured for the practice of defense.

Article 40

No crime and no punishment except according to the law. No punishment except on acts occurring subsequent to its implementation. Punishment is personal.

Laws are not applicable except on what happens subsequent to the date of putting them into force, and they have no impact on what occurs retroactively. However, in non-criminal articles, it may be otherwise specified by the majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Advisory Council.

Article 41

The Qatari nationality and its provisions are determined by law. These provisions have constitutional power.

Article 42

The State guarantees the citizen’s right to elect and to run for public office, according to the law.

Article 43

Taxes are based on social justice and cannot be imposed except by a law.

Article 44

The right of citizens to assemble is guaranteed according to the provisions of the law.

Article 45

The freedom to establish associations is guaranteed according to conditions and circumstances laid down by the law.

Article 46

Every individual has the right to address public authorities.

Article 47

Freedom of opinion and scientific research are guaranteed, according to conditions and circumstances laid down by the law.

Article 48

Freedom of the press, printing, and publishing is guaranteed according to the law.

Article 49

Education is a right to every citizen. The State endeavors to achieve compulsory and free public education, according to the rules and laws in force in the State.

Article 50

The freedom to worship is guaranteed to all, according to the law and the requirements to protect the public order and public morals.

Article 51

The right of inheritance is inviolable and is governed by the Islamic Law.

Article 52

Every person, legally residing in the State, enjoys protection of his person and property, according to the provisions of the law.

Article 53

Defending the Homeland is a duty of every citizen.

Article 54

Public offices are a national service, and the public employee’s goal, in performing the duties of his post, is the public interest alone.

Article 55

Public funds are inviolable, and their protection is the duty of all, according to the law.

Article 56

Public confiscation of property is prohibited. The punishment of private confiscation can only be imposed by a court decision, in the case stipulated by the law.

Article 57

Respect of the Constitution, compliance with the laws issued by the Public Authority, abiding by the public order and public morals, and observing the national traditions and established customs are a duty of all those who reside in the State of Qatar or enter its territory.

Article 58

Extradition of political refugees is prohibited, and the law determines the conditions of granting political asylum.

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