
Republic of North Macedonia 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


  1. The Assembly elects the judges of the Constitutional Court. The Assembly elects six of the judges to the Constitutional Court by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives. The Assembly elects three of the judges by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives who belong to the communities not in the majority in the population of Macedonia. The term of office of the judges is nine years without the right to re-election.
  2. This amendment replaces paragraph 2 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.


  1. Local self-government is regulated by a law adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives who belong to the communities not in the majority in the population of Macedonia. The laws on local finances, local elections, boundaries of municipalities, and the city of Skopje shall be adopted by a majority vote of the Representatives attending, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the Representatives attending who belong to the communities not in the majority in the population of Macedonia.
  2. This amendment replaces paragraph 5 of Article 114 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.


  1. In units of local self-government, citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of local relevance particularly in the fields of public services, urban and rural planning, environmental protection, local economic development, local finances, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, education, health care and other fields determined by law.
  2. In the city of Skopje the citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of relevance to the city of Skopje, particularly in the fields of public services, urban and rural planning, environmental protection, local economic development, local finances, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, education, health care and other fields determined by law.
  3. Item 1 of this amendment replaces paragraph 1 of Article 115 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, and Item 2 replaces paragraph 2 of Article 117 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.


  1. A decision to amend the Preamble, the articles on local self-government, Article 131, any provision relating to the rights of members of communities, including in particular Articles 7, 8, 9, 19, 48, 56, 69, 77, 78, 86, 104 and 109, as well as a decision to add any new provision relating to the subject-matter of such provisions and articles, shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives, within which there must be a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives who belong to the communities not in the majority in the population of Macedonia.
  2. With this amendment a new paragraph is added to paragraph 4 of Article 131 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.